Chapter 1

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I was traveling alone for the next city, maybe town? I don't have a clue where I am to be honest.

I just know that I'm looking for what I (and the bandit) call Fragment and Fragment holders. What do I do if I find one?

I'll free them from their poor bodies. Huh? That's murder? Nonsense! Those who have the fragments are all suffering inside~ they just hide it from others so they don't get worried.

Only I know this secret though, that's why when I come and meet one, they cry tears of joy and started moving around so much that they almost look like they get farther and farther away when I get closer to 'release' them from their suffering.

That's why I had to make some inhumane measures like tying them so they don't struggle for being too nervous. And I must say! It has been very effective! Though it pains my heart to do this to them.

I even chat with them before releasing them so we can bond and understand each other. Though for some reason I mostly do the talking.

But hey! They understand where I was coming from. Having them tied and listen to me they could only cry from the sufferings I had to endure. They were so sweet *wipes tears*

(A/N: yes tears, not fake tears real tears. He believes it)

Unfortunately they don't open up to me about their painful experiences.
They are too shy around me... It makes me somewhat sad.

While reminiscing I arrived to the next town. It seems the sign says Stymphalos? Well who cares.

I went inside and ordered some food for myself. You're asking if I have money? Don't worry whenever I release Fragment holders from their bodies I take their stuff as offerings and gift of gratitude to me.

The town looks gloomy for some reason. The food is super expensive for some reason and don't even get me started on the price of water here!

What is this!?

"Hey just asking why are the prices of these so high?" I tried asking nicely. Cause you never know what is happening in the area.

"You must be a traveler. I'm sorry for the prices but the lake where we get our food and water supply has been closed off, because of a flock of predatory birds that have nested in that area." the waiter replied.

"Predatory bird you say? Couldn't you just kill them?" I suggested.

"We did try sending out people to subjugate them, in which case majority don't survive and those who do return never want anything to do with Lake ever again."

"I see.." well that sucks "if the bird problem disappears will the prices and supplies go back to normal?"

"Well yes, but if you're planning something I suggest you don't. We've already lost many lives trying to recover the lake."

"That may be true but, if this Lake is just close by this town. What's stopping those bird from ever going to this town." I stood up and went out to one of the weapon shops.

If we're talking about birds, I need to buy as much arrows as I can. That's why I brought more than 60 arrows with me, and 4 quivers.

I set out at night so that when I arrive it should be dawn. Dawn is the time my father taught me is best for a hunt. That or after dusk.

I walked slowly and as quietly as I can until I started hearing water from the lake.

It should just be about 30 minutes before dawn hits. I prepared my bow and arrows. I saw the birds resting near the lake. There is more than 30 of them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2023 ⏰

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