Death whisper

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The final bell 🛎️
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"Game over,no no this can't be"said suki as she looked threw her books as ren looked at her confused

"Their must be mistake right"said suki in a manic way as tears started to pour as ren hold her hand as she started breaking in tears

As Suki trembled on the floor, her heart raced when she spotted the Ghostface figure gliding toward them, the mask reflecting the overhead lights with an eerie gleam.

"Ren, look out!" she screamed, her voice tight with fear.

Ren turned just as the figure lunged forward, and Suki felt a jolt of panic as blood sprayed across Ren's shirt. He fell backward, clutching his chest, and Suki rushed to him, collapsing beside him.

"Ren!" she cried, holding him in her lap, tears streaming down her face. "Somebody help! Please!" She looked up at the Ghostface figure, anger and fear mixing in her voice. "What have you done to him?!"

Students nearby froze, their laughter fading as they stared at the unfolding chaos. Suki's frantic cries echoed in the hallway, heightening the tension.

"Help us! Someone!" she screamed, her voice cracking.

Ren struggled to sit up, his expression a mix of confusion and concern. "Suki, it's okay! I'm fine!" he gasped, trying to catch his breath.

The Ghostface figure stepped back, a chuckle escaping from behind the mask. "It's just a joke!"

"Yeah, it's just a prank!" Ren added, his voice shaking as he looked up at her.

Suki, overwhelmed with fear and frustration, turned and slapped Ren on the arm. "How could you let them do this? This isn't funny!"

Alex, their friend, stepped into view, holding his phone and grinning. "Okay, cut! You should've seen your faces!"

Suki looked between them, her anger boiling over. "You scared me half to death!"

Laughter began to trickle back in as the other students realized it was all a setup. Suki pushed herself away from Ren and stood up, shaking her head in disbelief. "You guys are unbelievable!"

As she turned to walk away, the laughter of her classmates felt distant, but she couldn't shake the adrenaline coursing through her veins.

"Wait, Suki!" Ren called after her, scrambling to his feet. "I didn't mean to scare you like that!"

But she was already too far away, feeling a mix of anger and humiliation as she stormed off down the hallway, leaving behind the prank that had spiraled out of control.

Suki stood on the rooftop, her eyes closed as she focused on the cool breeze, trying to let the chaos of the school fade away. Suddenly, she heard the door swing open, slamming against the wall with a loud bang.

"Ren, I don't need to hear your apology right now!" she shouted, still turned away from the door, her voice shaky from the earlier panic.

But instead of Ren's familiar voice, all she heard was a heavy, unsettling breath behind her. A chill crept down her spine, and she turned slowly, heart racing.

"Ren?" she called hesitantly, but as she opened her eyes, her breath hitched in her throat. Standing before her was the figure in the Ghostface costume, the mask gleaming ominously in the fading light.

"Jason, seriously? You think this is a joke?" she said, wiping her tears angrily as she rose to her feet. Suki tried to walk past him, her heart racing with confusion and fear, but then she caught a glimpse of something that froze her in place.

In his hand was a glimmering knife, blood dripping from the blade, and the door behind him was splattered with crimson streaks. Panic surged through her as she turned to her left and spotted what looked like a body half-hidden in the shadows—Jason's lifeless form, slumped against the wall, his eyes wide and unseeing.

"No, no, no!" she gasped, her mind racing as she realized the horrific truth. This was no joke. The laughter and chaos of the school were a world away, and she was completely alone with a killer.

Before she could process what was happening, the figure lunged at her, knife raised high. As Suki screamed, her voice echoed off the rooftop walls, sending a flock of crows erupting into the sky, flapping wildly as they took flight.

"Help!" she screamed, the sound tearing from her throat as she stumbled backward, but it was too late. The killer closed the distance between them in an instant, and the blade plunged deep.

The world went dark as the pain surged through her, and she crumpled to the ground, gasping for breath.

Here's the continuation of the scene where Suki begs for her life:

Suki lay on the cold rooftop floor, blood seeping through her shirt as she gasped for air, her vision blurring. The figure loomed over her, the Ghostface mask casting an eerie shadow. Her hands trembled as she reached out, trying to pull herself away, but her strength was fading fast.

"Please... please, let me live," Suki whimpered, her voice barely audible, filled with terror. Tears streamed down her face, her body trembling as she pleaded.

The figure said nothing, watching her for a moment, the silence only amplifying her fear. Without a word, he bent down, grabbing her by the arms. Suki tried to resist, but she was too weak. In one swift motion, the figure hoisted her onto his back as if she weighed nothing.

"No... no, please," she cried, her voice breaking, clinging to the last shred of hope. Her head lolled against his shoulder, blood dripping from her wound as her strength continued to fade.

The figure carried her effortlessly, moving toward the edge of the rooftop. Suki's world spun, her breathing shallow, and all she could hear was the heavy breathing behind the mask as her consciousness began to slip away.

Suki's vision darkened as the figure carried her closer to the edge of the rooftop. Her body felt limp against his back, each step he took sending waves of pain through her. The cold air stung her skin, her tears mixing with the blood on her face as her thoughts scrambled in desperation.

"Please... don't..." she murmured weakly, barely able to speak. The figure reached the edge of the building, and for a moment, everything seemed to stop.

Then, without hesitation, the figure hurled Suki's body over the edge.

Her breath caught in her throat as she fell through the air, the world spinning violently around her. The wind rushed past her ears, and the city below blurred into a terrifying mess of lights and shadows. Every second felt like an eternity, her body weightless but heavy with pain.

Suki's eyes fluttered open for a brief moment, her last breath rattling in her chest. "Ren..." she whispered, her voice barely a sound, her final thought reaching out for him, for the life she was losing.

And then—darkness.

Her body hit the ground with a sickening thud, the impact reverberating through the still night, and the world around her went silent.

Suki's body hit the ground with a sickening thud, echoing through the campus. For a moment, there was only silence, but then the horrified screams of students erupted around her.

A group of students, who had just left the building, froze in place as they saw her lifeless body sprawled on the pavement. Their panicked screams filled the air, spreading quickly through the crowd. Some rushed forward, while others backed away in shock, unable to comprehend the horror in front of them.

One voice cried out, "Oh my God, someone help!" as chaos descended, and the echo of their screams reverberated through the courtyard.

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