Chapter 3

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At the North Pole 

Still Hanna's POV

Me and Jack fly to the North Pole and into the workshop. As we go in, I make myself invisible to everyone but Jack, "Hey Jack, I made myself invisible to the other Guardians for now I'll go sit in the window seat over there." Jack nods and goes to the other Guardians. Bunny and Jack start to fight as they wait for the Tooth Fairy to arrive. I decide to mess with Bunny and make his favorite flowers grow in-between Him and Jack. Bunny looks confused while Jack stares at me (bunny's back is facing me). I put a finger over my mouth saying stay quiet, then I make a flower crown, I hook it around bunny ear with levitation powers. Jack try not to laugh when he looks at Bunny. North becomes confused when he looks at Jack and Bunny, "Jack, Bunny, what is going on over here?" Jack looks at me and smirks as I glare at him telling him no don't mention me yet. Jack looks back at North and smiles, "Mother Nature happened." North chuckles, "No one has ever seen Mother Nature so how is she here?" I sigh and make myself visible, "I hate you Jack." Jack chuckles as everyone stares at me. I decided to introduce myself to them, "Hi, I'm Hanna AKA Mother Nature." Bunny stares at me, North smiles and says, "Hello Mother Nature." He bows a bit and I giggle, "North you don't have to bow to me, you can also call me Hanna." We all then hear a meow and I gasp as grab my bag, everyone looks confused, "I'm so sorry Snow, I forgot about you!" I take Snow out of the bag and feed her. Everyone stared at me and Snow, Jack walks over to me, "So why did you name her Snow?" I look at him as I pet Snow, "Cause she's as white as snow and it fits her, she also loves the snow unlike other cats." Jack nods then I look at Bunny and giggle as he stares at me with his mouth open, he's drooling a little bit, "Hey Bunny you might want to shut your mouth, your drooling a bit." Bunny closes his mouth just as the moon light shines on me making my bunny ears and tail pop out. I then hear Manny say in my mind "Sorry not sorry." I glares at the moon and yell, "MANNY I HATE YOU RIGHT NOW YOUR NOT ALOUD TO SEE ALICE AND LUKE FOR 2 WEEKS!!!" Everyone gasps as I yell at Manny like I'm his mother, then they see a guy come out of the moon light. The guy goes to me and sits on the couch with a pout, "I'm sorry Hanna, but you haven't let them out in a year!!" I glare at the guy "Manny, you know I don't like to have them out for a reason right?" Everyone screams, "MANNY!!" Manny sheepishly looks at them, "Hi Guardians." I giggle and sigh, "Manny, you are forgiven just this once." Manny smiles and hugs me as Jack walks over to us, "Manny, why is it that Hanna can yell at you and not get in trouble for it or anything?" Manny looks at Jack, "Because Jack she is Mother Nature. You should see how the other Guardian spirits react to her." I smile, "They all treat me like I'm their mother." They all look at me shocked. I giggle and look at Bunny who seems to be blushing. I walk over to him and boop him as he comes back to reality. Bunny looks at me and goes to speak as I walk back over to Manny, I stand in front of him, "Now Manny, I need you to go to my place and feed the animals for me, take Snow with you please. Alice and Luke should be in my room sleeping when you get there." Manny nods taking Snow and replies sarcastically, "Yes mom can do." I giggle as I say, "You sound like Jamie whenever I told him it was time to come inside for dinner." North looks at me, "You know Jamie?" I look at North and nod smiling as I happily Introduced myself, "Names Hanna Bennett, I'm Jamie and Sophie's older sister, I died saving them three years ago." They all smile but look sad, Manny leaves as Tooth arrives. I start to get a little headache and mumble, "Ugh... I hate you Manny the reason I don't let my ears and tail out is because it gives me a headache. Now I have to be a Pooka for a week to get rid of it." I thought no one heard me, but apparently Bunny heard me, he comes over to me then he whispers, "Hey, I'm sorry for eavesdrop on you talking to yourself, but I couldn't help but hear that you're a Pooka like me?" I look at Bunny nodding as I whisper back, "Manny made it so I can transform into a Pooka whenever I want, I can also have just my ears and tail out if I wanted to as well, but it gives me a headache whenever I do." Bunny nods, "Ill go get you some medicine." I smile, "Thank you Bunny." Bunny nods as he goes to get the medicine he comes back a few minutes later with water and medicine. I smile and take the medicine, "Hey guys, I have to go I have a bad headache, I'll come back after a week." They all nod sadly I look at Bunny and whisper, "Come to Nature Grove whenever you like, I'd enjoy the company." Bunny nods and whispers "I will, thank you for inviting me." I nod and look at Jack, "Jack, can you tell Jamie and Sophie I will see them in a week?" Jack nods as I fly back to my Cabin. As I get to my Cabin I go to my room and instantly change into my Pooka form (I look like Bunny I'm a little shorter than Bunny and I'm a brown and gray color and my eyes are purple). I sit on the floor and groan as my head is in pain. I get up and move to my bed to lay down. When I lay down I fall asleep instantly, when I'm sleeping Alice, Luke and Snow jump on the bed to sleep with me.

My Pooka form

My Pooka form

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