Chapter 2 Stars cant shine without darkness

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I run downstairs. I didn't notice how much blood had drowned the floor all I could think about was her falling and telling me she loved me and she didn't mean to do it. I actually felt bad, I always thought that it sucked to look like her because I didn't want to be anything like her, blonde hair, blue eyes, and tan. I hated being compared to her because then I felt like her. I can't believe I'm just now realizing how much I meant to her, man I must of been a real bitch, but she was also a bitch to me sometimes. I know now that she didn't mean anything she said, or did. All I know is that I meant to do everything to her, and she didn't even know what she was doing half of the time. I have to take the heat now. As I was dragging her body downstairs to the basement I couldn't stop stepping on brains and now that I was stepping on them, I couldn't get that image of her head exploding out of my mind. I'm walking back up to my room to change my clothes I look at the clock and I see it says 7:48 am. "SHIT I'm late for the bus!" As I'm changing and wiping my hands and face off I hear my moms phone ring "RING RING." the thought finally went through my head "I'm gonna go to prison if anyone finds out." I answer the phone "Hello?" "I know what you did." The voice on the other side said. I was so terrified do hung up the phone. I was waking to school and for some reason the streets we're really quiet. So instead of walking I start jogging, then I swear I feel like somebody's watching me. I start running. I see the school ahead, and I know I can't stop. Then I hear a person yelling " I KNOW WHAT YOU DID!!!" So I start sprinting. Then I get tackled. "AHHHHH!" I woke up screaming. it was just a dream.

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