- part 3 -

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Tw: swearing - alcohol mentions - homosexuals 🥹 - mentions of underage drinking

Wilbur's POV:

I woke up in my room, but me arm felt heavy, and I had a terrible headache, I looked down to see what was weighing my arm down to see quackity clung onto it

I wanted to wake him up bit didn't, I thought for a bit till I decided I would try go back to sleep, I cuddle there with quackity for a bit

About 8 minutes later my door swings open "WILBY WAKE UP!" I hear someone yell, I look at my door and see my brother there "fuck off Tommy" I say, "N- OMG, WILBY IS THAT A BOY IN YOUR BED, DADZA I KNEW IT WILBURS GAY" my brother yells "FUCK OFF TOMMY" I yell back sounding very annoyed

"What's happening?" I quite voice says, I look down and see quacktiy has woken up, he's still lying down, While im not looking Tommy ran over to see the boy in my bed


Tommy has been so loud that my mother, father and twin are outside my door, "tommy leave Wilbur and the boy in his bed alone" my father says

"Yeah tommy fuck off" I say, "fine, but I'll be back" tommy says before leaving, he dosent bother to shut my door, but my brother was there and shut the door so I didn't have to get up

"Who was that.." a tired quackity asks, "my asshole of a brother" Wilbur says

"Im still tired, can we go back to sleep, and I've got a terrible headache aswell" quackity says. "We can go back to sleep if you like, and you both of us got really drunk last night" I say

"Oh, give me a second I want to see if I got messages" quackity says tiredly

Noones POV:

Quackitys phone:

1 missed call from "mamá"
3 messages from "mamá"
"Are you having a fun time?"
"Alex are you there?"
"Alex answer me."
10 messages from "jack 😇"
"Hey Q"
"Just so you know you and Wilbur made out in a closet last night"
"You where drunk"
"Also your not good at hiding your secret that you guys are dating"
"I dont think the others know"
"Can I tell them"
"I wont till I have permission"
"Your probably asleep"
"Also your mum called asking where you where,I told her you where at nikis so yeah"

quackitys POV:

"Are you done on your phone Darling" Wilbur ask's, "no, I need to message my mamá and jack, also, jack wants to know if he can my friends about us, and, he said that I was at nikis so yeah" I say, "well, I don't really mind, it's up to you if they know" wilbur says, as he kisses my forehead (that's kinda gay tbh)

I feel my face heating up slightly beofre calling my mother

"Hey mamá"
"Oh darling! Why haven't you been answering my texts?"
"Sorry mamá, I was asleep"
"Oh well okay, also, do you mind if I speak to niki"
"No sorry, she's still asleep"
"Oh well okay, be back by 6pm today"
"Ok mamá, love you, see you later"

I finish the call with my mother and message jack

"Hey, sorry for not responding I was sleeping, but sure you can tell then idm"
"Actually, do you wanna tell them yourselves or not"
"Actually yeah I think I would rather do that"
"Alr, we'll, see you at school tomorrow,bye!"

I put my phone down a start clinging onto Wilbur's arm again, Wilbur put his arm around my waist and I dug my head into his neck, we both fall asleep again quickly

Wilburs POV:

Me and quackity were asleep again for about and hour untill there was a loud knocking in the door

I got up slowly making sure quackity was still asleep before opening the door

I see my brother standing there, I sigh before saying "what do you want Tommy" "I want to talk to they boy in your bed!" Tommy says, "to bad asshole, he's sleeping"

"Well wake him up then" Tommy said while rolling his eyes, "no, he sle-" I said before being pushed over by Tommy as he ran over to my bed

I saw him try to shake quackity awake but quackity wouldn't wake up

"Tommy leave him the fuck alone" I say "never, I wnat to know who they fuck he is"

I didn't wnat Tommy to know that the boy in my bed was me 'enemy'

Sorry for not post yesterday!
Enjoy you day guys and remember to eat and drink some water!

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