Goravalon Schell

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- Name: Goravalon Schell (Gore-Ah-Vah-Lin Shell)

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- Name: Goravalon Schell (Gore-Ah-Vah-Lin Shell)

- Nicknames/aliases:
- Gora (Gore-Ah)
- Dabai-Aaqe (Dah-Bye Aye-Keh)

- Age: 24

- Nationality/ ethnicity: American/ Native American (½ & ½ ratio)
(Mother; American) (Father; Native American)
- Descended from the Shoshone tribe but more specifically a part of the Goshute division. Though, note that Gora's specific Goshute tribe has since disbanded so he does not associate with belonging to a tribe, but rather simply being a drifting descendant of the general Shoshone.

- Gender, pronouns: Male; he/him

- Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

2. Appearance

- Height & weight: 5'11 (180~ cm) 165 lbs (74.8 kg)

- Appearance:
- From a distance, Gora seems simply like a friendly person with a gentle inviting smile, though some get a little weary at the sight of bright red pupils peering through his dark irises. He has a medium dark complexion and soft messy black hair that has a red sheen to it, the bottom half of it is in an undercut while the top half reaches about to his nose.

- Physique: Average build, has some fat around belly and thighs that mostly goes unnoticed until he's touched (gets a bit plumper further into the year as he builds up what he refers to as his "winter blubber" lul but slims down starting spring)

- Scars/ tattoos/ piercings: Classic earlobe piercings

- Wardrobe (clothing & jewelry/ style):
- Black stud earrings & Silver watch on his right arm
- Gora tends to dress pretty simply and casually as he never goes anywhere fancy and spends most of his days outdoors. He wears black jeans with slightly more open bases and white stitching, black gloves, a sandy/off-white belt and boots, a black t-shirt, and a white short jacket with neon red reflective accents that also has a removable hood.
- Has a flat brimmed black hat (for fall/winter) and a white hat (for spring/summer), he ties two crow feathers on the back of the hat, and a small chime to the right.

3. Personality

- Main traits: Misunderstood; Sly & Secretive but genuinely Caring & Capable

- Personality:
- "Fake" very heavy on the quotation marks ok. You've heard of resting bitch face, well this bitch got resting smug face and he can't help it. Gora is always smiling, he sleeps with a soft smile, he's got a wide grin when pissed, and is the type to laugh out his sadness with tears pouring down his face. His signature grin is on all the time no matter the situation, it's the result of a horrible habit as he smiles through everything as a coping mechanism. Though of course, this isn't exactly convenient and gets him into trouble as his grin and mellow voice can make him seem ungenuine, fake, or careless when he is being sincere. Because of this people tend to brush off his advice or simply get pissed off at him. Though once you get to know him, his eyes tell it all.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2023 ⏰

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