Marcel Horse

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ahaaaa- twins101, welp not your typical college kid but- lmao it'll b interesting to see


- Name: Marcel Horse
(Mahr-Sell Horse)

- Nicknames/aliases: Mar, Marci

- Age: 22

- JJBA parent(s), if any: Hol Horse, Jean Pierre Polnareff

- Nationality/ ethnicity: 1/2 american, 1/2 french; white
- born in France but he has spent a lot of time in America

- Gender, pronouns: Male, he/him

- Sexuality: Demipansexual

- Alignment: neutral good, he tries his best not to stick his nose into others' business but he would defiantly help the side hes attached to the most.

- Open to having love interest(s)?: yes

2. Uni info

Year: Fourth Year

Studying: Criminal Justice, he is mostly in it to bring justice for an ancestor but he does enjoy the subject.
-Minor: forensic investigation

Clubs/Societies: Archery, i'd say he'd hold a high status like President or Vice considering his skill level and age. (wouldn't be his preference in the whole hunting term but not like they willingly gunna give people guns huh.)

3. Appearance

- Height & weight: 6ft (1.82m), 165lbs (75kg)

- Appearance:
-Long wavy white hair about shoulder length and side-swept to the left but it's usually capped by a cowboy hat lol.
-Pure blue eyes, usually have an innocent look to them but they can easily be intimidating or just smug if need be.
-sorry but if any of my kids are gunna have luscious long eyelashes it's Marcel, it might as well look like he's wearing silver eyeliner at this point.
- Lightly tanned skin, he does try his best to take care of himself but his skin is still inevitably a bit weathered and rough especially his hands.

- Physique: Bit above average build for his age but nothing absurd lol but a lot stronger than he looks.

- Scars, tattoos, piercings, etc.: a bullet wound under his right collar bone after a run-in with an angry drunk, another bullet wound in his right thigh and a few bullet grazings here and there, one large noticeable linear laceration on his right bicep from a whip (from learning how to use one for just basic cowboi needs ok no kinky shit) yeah I'm sure its easy to see he's right-handed huh, various scars on hands and shoulders/arms just from having to deal with rough situations some are kinda big ngl.
- a few freckles under his eyes, they're a bit darker than usual ones since they've been exposed to the sun so much

- Wardrobe (clothing & jewelry): western/cowboy style of clothes his usual outfit is a plain white buttoned shirt, a dark side buttoned jacket over that, a silk bandana around his neck, dark trench coat, dark jeans tucked into laced and designed boots, and two belts of ammo strapped to his belt and leaning on his right leg. There is a gun hidden in the back of his waistband and covered by his coat, it's a desert eagle (one hell of a powerful gun btw)
- this doesn't count as a wardrobe but he does have his pet tarantula under his hat- or just on his head quite often.
- he will just be in a t-shirt and sweatpants and tie his hair in a bun when he's at home though or complete rush
4. Personality

- Main traits: social, polite (to some degree), loyal, playful but can get serious

- Personality: he's actually very polite and a bit proper/well mannered with strangers just because he knows not everyone will like him, but he is a lot more playful and less wary around people he knows will be fine with it, usually able to read people quite well, he can tell if someones just not gunna vibe with him by the way they look at him lol. He does say yessir and yes ma'am to everyone though no matter age or status.

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