02: The Unexpected Honor

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The year was flying by, and despite all the events and milestones, I still hadn't seen you. I can't quite recall the exact date, but it was after recess during an assembly. The air was thick with anticipation as the principal prepared to announce the new student body team. About a week earlier, we had all filled out the forms for the student body election. They told us the selection would be based on the votes, but deep down, we all knew that was just a façade to spare some feelings.

As we stood in assembly, the seniors were a bundle of nerves. Most of them were anxious, their minds racing with hopes of being selected. I, however, wasn't counting on anything. Sure, my academics were solid, and my behavior was generally commendable, but a recent incident had all but disqualified me. A fight—one that escalated to involve the cops—had left its mark, even if I managed to come out unscathed. There was no way they would choose me after that.

The principal, who happened to be my godfather, began reading the names, starting with the boys. To my surprise, some of the most notorious troublemakers made the cut. I couldn't help but smile at the irony; the upcoming academic year was certainly going to be entertaining with those boys on the team.

Then it was time to announce the girls. I wasn't holding my breath, fully convinced my name wouldn't be called. A few quiet girls were named, and then, to my utter shock, I heard my name. At first, I thought I was imagining it, but the buzz around me confirmed it. My peers nudged me forward, and I hesitantly walked to the front, joining the others.

As I stood there, I caught sight of Clark. The look on his face was one of pure pride. I couldn't help but smile back at him, feeling a warm glow of happiness. His pride in me was the ultimate reward.

The principal then explained the election criteria: academics, behavior, and up-to-date fees. He gave a rousing speech about how we would restore the school's reputation and bring it back to its former glory. And he was right. Assembly ended with that speech, and we were excused from the rest of the day's classes. I was particularly relieved to miss math, not because I disliked the subject, but because I hadn't done my homework.

We were ushered into a workshop class to discuss the next steps. The outgoing student body team came to collect us, leading us to the washrooms where we were told to turn our uniforms inside out. Blindfolds were placed over our eyes as we lined up—boys on one side, girls on the other.

This initiation ritual was a long-standing tradition at our school. The outgoing team had free rein to "initiate" us, and we were not allowed to complain. After a few minutes, we were led, still blindfolded, to the main hall. When we finally removed the blindfolds, we were greeted by a chaotic scene. A mud pool, which I later learned had been dug the week before, sat before us, along with an ash pile and some bizarre concoctions.

The initiation began. Strange mixtures were poured into our hair as makeshift conditioner, prepping us for the mud pool. The boys went first, diving into the murky water with reckless abandon. Then it was our turn. I was paired with my best friend, and despite our close bond, I was determined not to lose. The rules were simple: treat it like a real pool and dive in.

When the whistle blew, I forgot all about the person next to me. I plunged into the pool, feeling a sharp sting as my knees scraped against hidden rocks. Ignoring the pain, I pushed forward, focusing on the finish line. Despite my effort, I was forced to go again before being sent to roll in the ash pile. The entire ordeal was grueling, and by the end, we looked and smelled like we'd been through a war.

After the initiation, there was no way anyone would let us into their cars, so we walked home, drawing curious stares and laughter from passersby. We were expected back at school that evening for the official ceremony, where we would receive our badges and ties. I rushed home, barely having enough time to scrub off the grime and stench from the day's events.

By 5 PM, I was back at school, feeling fresh and clean, with my bangs neatly in place. The whole team had undergone a miraculous transformation; we looked nothing like the bedraggled group from earlier that day.

We greeted the guests for the prize-giving ceremony and then took our seats inside. As the prizes were handed out, our turn came to receive our badges and ties. The moment was deeply emotional, with parents coming forward to pin the badges on their children. We took an oath to uphold the school's rules and to be fair in our duties.

The night ended with the national anthem and the school anthem, a fitting close to a day I would never forget. As I left the school grounds that evening, I felt a sense of accomplishment and pride, not just for myself, but for the journey that had brought me here.

And just as promised, here is chapter two. See you guys in the next chapter and I hope you all are enjoying the ride.

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