Memories of Another Life

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Warning: Callisto simping for our Penny and going through denial and this is not a part of E.F.A.A. I must remind you all that this book focuses on multiple universes that are based in DITOEFTV. I'm not going to stop working of E.F.A.A but it will take a while as many ideas have swarmed me. Especially after binge-watching Z Nation again (hint).

Callisto's POV


Where am I?


I looked around noticing flashing images surrounding me until suddenly it got bright. I closed my eyes and opened them again. This time, I was in an office? The strange thing is that the office lacks the usual things you would see: Trophies, pictures of people and other possessions.

Instead, there was only paperwork. Two figures formed in front of me, one looked like the Emperor and the other looked like me. The strange thing is both of our eyes were brown instead of red and our attire was also strange. They looked simple yet professional. Their language was also not one that I know of. It sounded similar to my mother language yet so different. The weird thing  is that I can understand it.

Suddenly I jolted awake and realised I was in my room. Looking around, I saw medicinal herbs. Truthfully, It wasn't the first time I was dreaming of another world. It all started the night I met Princess at my younger brother's ball and from then on, dreams similar to what I just experienced kept appearing.

I then remembered how I got injured and Princess and I were in a cave, I found out she likes archeology and we got out because of it. Everything else was blurry after that. As I was lost in thought, I heard a knock on my door, it was Princess. I pretended to still be asleep as she opened the door and proceeded to sit beside me.

She went on talking about what happened in court and ashamedly admitted that she told them we used to be together and apologized. I admit, it was cute, although once I'm all well enough, I'll make sure to tease her about it as retribution. Right before Princess finished her talk, she surprised me. " -So you better get well soon alright?... 내가 당신을 좋아해서 운이 좋잖아요... (You're lucky that I like you...)" The Princess murmured the last part softly. 

What surprised was that she spoke the same language as the one in my dreams and that I understood it! I took a quick peek and saw her as a blushing mess. Wow, so she actually does like me. Wait- No! I'm getting off topic right now.

Maybe that dream wasn't just a dream... Maybe a language of a ruined kingdom? I certainly haven't heard of that language in the current era... But that's impossible, the office I was in looked futuristic and there was someone who looked just like me...

Maybe there really is another world. Does that mean Princess is also from a different world? I mean- she is the adopted daughter of the Eckhart Dukedom. Her origins are unknown... No. Let's not get too hasty, maybe she has similar dreams like me... If she really is just like me, maybe instead of those dreams being dreams, they're memories from another life.

I heard the chair moving and Princess excusing herself out. I opened my eyes and smirked and mumbled raspily, "So she really does like me..."


...Damn throat


I've finally been able to go out of my room and the first thing I hear is whispers from the palace staff of rumours involving Me and the Princess. Honestly, it doesn't really bother me that others think I'm with Princess. In fact, I welcome it, it is only a matter of time before I sweep her off the ground and- *Ahem* I mean sweep off the rumours and tease her about it. Yeah, that's what I meant.

The second thing is that I was informed that more mages ambushed the noble ladies, including Princess, who were having a tea party. The mages seemed to not be enslaved children as I had expected but Instead full grown adults. I ran towards the location given to me and saw multiple palace guards attempting to find a way to break a transparent dome. They seemed to have created a mid-level magic barrier keeping the ladies hostage while the men were outside.

However, that doesn't mean a strong mage is amongst the ambushers, the way they created the barrier was by having more than 5 mages as substitution for a high ranked mage. It was the only way they made it in such a short amount of time.

As the men and I were finding ways to break the barrier, we listened in to what one of the mages were saying. "SHUT UP!" The mage screeched in a gruff voice. Wait- how does that work??? Whatever, taking a closer look at him, I noticed accessories around the man's wrist, It sort of looked like those bangles you'd commonly find from one of the southern countries.

The mage- nope I'm tired of calling him mage, from now on I'll call him Bangles- Bangles stepped forward as a way to intimidate the ladies which worked as they actually shut up. Of course, Princess was silent the whole time which is to be expected for someone so smart and captiva- CAUTIOUS. The Princess is a very cautious person. I wonder what she'll do while I try to get her out.

"You!" Bangles pointed towards Princess, "come here!" He barked. Everyone was tense. I narrowed my eyes and glared towards the mage. How dare he order Princess around.

Princess slowly got up and casually strolled towards Bangles. She crossed her arms and stared defiantly up at Bangles, "What?" Princess rudely spat out. Bangles' ugly, arrogant, smug smirk widened ever so slightly. "Well, curse me to hell- you're quite the beauty aren't you?" Bangles leered at Princess as I planned 365 ways to murder, one for each day.

'I'd gladly do so.' With a twitch of an eye she replied, "Get on with it, unlike you, some people actually do have a life". Having his pride wounded, Bangles growled out, "I'll make sure to keep that dirty mouth of yours shut." Princess was quite but still had the familiar glare.

"I want you to do something, heard you were quite the linguist," Bangles started as he took a stone tablet from the hands of one of the other mages, "I want you to translate this tablet for us..." He continued but was interrupted, " Why?" Princess said. "W-what?" Bangles stuttered out, " Why should I help, hmm? For all I know, this could unleash a curse and a demon.." Princess drawled out. "W-WH- Well- ITS FOR A RITUAL THAT'S ALL!" I realised immediately that it could probably be some kind of reactor to the ritual Bangles mentioned. Why else would he act like that? Why else would he go all the way to the palace of all places and risk his life just for a mere text in an unknown language?

" I want- no, need to know what the ritual will do." Princess stated, bangles was a bout to refuse before she added, "If you want me to participate and help you then you better pull your head from that ass of yours and tell me." Bangles sputtered but regained his composure with a resigned expression and explained, "The ritual is said to bring items that have been invented, regardless of the world they were from, here..."


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