1. The Parking Lot Police

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Sooo guys,
my first chapter is online! :D
Hope you all like it! Go easy on me, I wrote it last night at 3AM so it might make no sense at some places *thehe*
I also added a cast for TBBD & made some banners for Jace aka Chico *swoon* & Mia aka Vanessa! Let me know what you think of the cast :)
Happy reading! :D

Mia's POV

»Emilia Rose Dalton! If you aren't standing downstairs in exactly 10 seconds, I will make sure you don't get your morning caramel macchiato for at least one week!«
Oh-oh. Auntie Megan pulls out the big guns. She knows exactly how much I need my morning coffee to even function throughout the day. And also the thing with the full name, I still don't get why parents do that whenever they are mad at their children. Maybe they think it sounds more authoritarian? Well, my aunt Megan was never very strict with me ever since she received custody for me. At that time I was merely 11 years old, 6 years ago from now.
But that threat sounded serious. I quickly untangle myself from my blankets and rush into the bathroom to brush my teeth.
»Mia! You're gonna be late for your first day of school!« Megs now stands in the doorway to my room with her arms folded across her chest and a scowl set firmly on her heartshaped face. She looks much younger than a soon-to-be 37 year old. And definitely too young to be my mother.
»Megs, it's the first day of school after summer break. Don't act like it's my first day in elementary school.«, I taunt her.
»It's your senior year. That means it will be the very last first day of high school ever! Make something of it. I would kill for one more shot at being this young and carefree again.«, she sighs.
»As if you are old, Megs.«
She just rolls her eyes at that.
»Should I drop you off on my way to the office? I have to head in earlier today. Setcard shoot with the It-male-model this year, apparently.« Megs works at WHY NOT agency, a well-known but small advertising agency.
»That's sweet, thanks, but I actually picked up Elvis from the shop yesterday, so I'm fine with driving myself.«
»Ok then, have an amazing last first day.« Megs plants a swift kiss on my forehead and retreats to the door. Yeay. School. I give her my best imitation of a toothy grin, while pulling out my grey, slightly cropped Ramones t-shirt and some distressed skinny jeans. Paired up with my favorite brown combat leather boots and I'm ready to go. I brush my dark, slightly wavy hair back and check my outfit one more time before poltering down the stairs.

As it would actually matter how I looked.
Nobody at school, except my two best friends Rachel and Charlie, really pays attention to me. I'm as good as invisible. But I came to think that this is a good thing. Better as to be hated on.
Kids can be so cruel.

A real smile this time takes over my face as I see Elvis, my cherry red Chevrolet Camaro, parked in the garage. It once belonged to my brother Steve before..well before he died. He adored the car, but was always too busy to bring it to the shop to let it get repaired. I decided to keep Elvis, mostly because I needed an own car anyway with Megs being on the road most of the time, but a small part of me needed something that constantly reminded me of Steve, a small part that still clung to the idea that he is still with me after all those months, even though he isn't..
Tears are already starting to blur my vision and threaten to spill over as I ignite the engine.
I will not cry. I will not cry. I will not cry.
The familiar roar of the engine cuts out my silent mantra and immediately calms my nerves.
I accelerate.
By the time, I arrive at the school parking lot, I'm perfectly calm, but I also might have overran a red light or two. Well, fuck the crackers. I don't care.
I'm badass today. Yes. Definitely. Absolutely.
Yeah. That was funny, Emilia.

I'm late, not a surprise here, because I overslept and the parking lot is jammed with cars. Perfect.
I circle one more round and finally, finally!, spot a tiny, free parking space.
*Insert euphoric dance in my head*
Just as I drive past the space to reverse into it, a matte black Ducati whizzes past my car and places itself on my parking space! What the heck?! I push down hard on the brakes to avoid crashing into the suicidal driver, whilst blaring the horn. The guy removes his helmet and reveals dark, dissheveled just-out-of-bed hair. His black leather jacket hugs his defined torso perfectly.
He's hot.
And it's Jace Arrington, the school's notorious player.
Double shit.
One corner of his mouth curves upward into a mischievous grin. He still has the decency to smirk at me after he stole the last available parking space on this school property?! That exact parking space that I definitely claimed as mine first by reversing into it?! What the fudge. Is he out to lose his life? Well, he might get lucky, because right now I'm in a murderous mood. I exit the car and stomp towards this arrogant sex god of a jerk prick with the solely intention to wipe that smug look off his face. It should be illegal to look this good! Ugh. Ok, Mia, focus.
»What the hell? Are you suicidal I could have hit you-«
»But you didn't, so don't stress.« And this English accent combined with his deep, sultry voice...gaah Mia. Seriously?! Wait what did he say..
»Don't stress? You just stole my parking space and now I'm coming late to my first period because of you!« And to my luck, my first period is Spanish. Ms Montez already hates me and I can't risk to fail Spanish this year.
»Are you the parking lot police now or what? You would have been late anyway, with or without me. It's already 10 past 8. So why not just thank me for saving you from another boring ass class?« He leans back against his bike and slowly roams his eyes down my body and back up.
»And I already got a idea how you can repay me.«
He winks.
No he did not..! My cheeks ignite a holy fire. I'm as red as Elvis by now, I'm sure.
»You..! Never mind. How about you close your eyes and keep on dreaming? Because your peachy idea won't happen in a million years. I'm not one of your little groupies slash sluts. Understand?«
Jace's eyes are glinting with amusement by now which pisses me off even further. My fingers are firmly curled into fists.
Jace glances at them for a second. Then smiles his infuriating, smug smile.
I can't keep myself from blushing even further. My face feels hot.
»Angry, much?« What you don't say.
»You should work on your sensitive temper. Might get you into trouble some day.« He winks.
I huff. »Well, maybe you should work on your big ass ego. Might causes you mental enfeeblement some day.«
He grins and clutches his left pec in mock pain.
»Thanks for your concern, but my grades are fine.«
»What's your name?«
»What..« No, I haven't expected that question. I thought, he wanted to keep insulting me. I was just beginning to enjoy our little cat fight here.
»Your name?« Jace lifts one eyebrow.
»..Mia Dalton. Can you move your bike now?..Please?«, I add, hoping it'll help the process of getting my parking space back.
He smirks. »Nice to meet you, Dolly. Since you're asking so kindly, I will put it this way..«
»Thank you! I'm glad we could come to an agre-«
What? »What?«
He rolls his eyes as if to say are you deaf.
»No, I will not move my bike.« He repeats very slowly, pronouncing every word. »It stands there just perfectly.«
»I know, I heard you! I was just wondering how it's possible to be such an inconsiderate, egotistical jerk!«, I cry out. Okay maybe I'm exaggerating, cursing at people I just met, but something about Jace, most likely his unwavering ego, is just so infuriating and provokes me utterly.
»What did you just say?« Any trace of that earlier mocking smile is gone. A mild scowl is now in its place. He walks so fast, I don't even realize it until he's towering over me. Our faces only inches apart. His honey-colored eyes bore into me and I breath in his scent, a mixture of citrus, expensive cologne and a slight trace of cigarettes.
»Take it back.«, his voice is barely above a whisper.
»W-what..« Ok, I'm officially an imbecile, because I'm not following.
»Take it back. I'm not.. You don't..!« He let's out a frustrated growl and takes a step back, allowing me to breath again. I didn't even realize I was holding my breath. He kicks the ground with his boot-clad foot and then rushes past me. Still looking pissed af.
Ok, from 0 to 100 in one minute. Jackpot. I'm not the only one with anger issues. What's happening?

Sooo, what do you think is the reason Jace got so upset over what Mia said?
I would love to hear what you guys think so far :D
If you liked what you saw ;) *jk*, leave me a vote and cooommeent :))
Love you all
Anna xx

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2015 ⏰

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