[Bit of a twist... 😉]

Lush tropical fauna surrounded a shed on a farm. A scarecrow made of Thanos' armor was present and the burnt Infinity Gauntlet was on Thanos' arm. He was walking among his crops, harvesting fruit, and putting them in a sack. He walked over to the shed, with a dragging quality to his legs, like it pained him to walk, his living quarters, and tried to sit down. His whole left side was burnt black with blisters; He looked ridiculously.

Suddenly, Carol Danvers flew through the roof, knocking Thanos down, and grabbed his neck. Bruce in the Hulkbuster armor burst from the ground, and grabbed Thanos' Infinity Gauntlet arm. Thor flew in and sliced off the Infinity Gauntlet. Rhodey flew down with Rocket and aimed guns on Thanos' head.

Captain America walked in his new uniform, with Natasha and Mary right behind him. Rocket went over to the sliced off Infinity Gauntlet, and kicked it over, as everyone realized that there were no Stones in it.

"Oh no," Rocket said.

"Where are they?" Steve and Mary demanded.

"Answer the question!" Carol yelled.

"The universe required correction," Thanos told them. "After that, the stones served no purpose, beyond temptation."

"You murdered trillions!" Bruce cried, pushing him to the ground wearing Hulkbuster armor.

"You should be grateful." He was punched by Hulkbuster.

"Where are the Stones?" Natasha and Mary asked.

"Gone. Reduced to atoms."

"You used them two days ago!" Bruce shot back.

"I used the Stones to destroy the Stones. It nearly killed me. But the work is done. It always will be." He sat himself a little straighter. "I am... inevitable."

"We have to tear this place apart, he-he-he has to be lying," Rhodey said.

"My father is many things. A liar is not one of them," Nebula told them.

"Ah, thank you, daughter." Nebula looked down, a little uncomfortable. "Perhaps I treated you too harshly."

Thor's face filled with rage as he raised to summon Stormbreaker, and before anyone could stop him, sliced Thanos' head off. Thanos' limp body fell to the floor. Nebula wiped off some of the blood spatter.

"What... What did you do?" Rocket asked.

Thor looked broken, realizing what he'd done. "I went for the head." He slowly walked out of the shed, no real purpose in his steps.


A flash appeared and two men were suddenly standing in an apartment.

Mary walked in and her eyes widened. "Sam? Dean? You guys are okay! Wait, how are you here?"

Dean shook his head. "Hell if I know. Have you been here this entire time, Mary?"

She nodded. "Yeah. I've tried getting back, but I can't find a way. How'd you guys get here?"

"Cas finally found a way."

"Cas. Is he well?"

"Mostly, yeah. God, it's so good to see you."

She hugged her brothers tightly. "If Cas can't help you, you might be stuck here for awhile."

Sam shook his head. "I'm sure we'll find an eventual way back. What's been going on here?"

"Well, a crazy lunatic snapped his fingers and dusted half the population, so... Just a usual case for a Winchester."


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