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Jungwon POV

I looked at Ni-ki while he was getting food. My plan was not to eat though at the moment I just really hope that no one says anything. Ni-ki settled on cereal. Soon the rest of the members began flooding in one at a time. Shortly before we all knew it everyone was in the room and ready for the long day ahead of us. "Jungwonnnnnnnnnnnnn," Jay said turning around in his chair. "Have you eaten yet?" He said looking at me. "yes..." I tried not to sound like I was trailing off with it. Jay didn't seem to believe me but before he could say anything some staff walked in. "alright everyone we have a slight schedule change, basically we have no more dancing for the day because they rewaxed all the dance rooms last night and some of it didn't do great," One of the staff members said rather quickly. "We're instead going to film a last-minute interview," She said looking around the dorm.

Everyone looked at the staff slightly confused, soon another staff spoke up, "The stylist currently has the flu and with New Jean's debut, all the other stylists are working overtime to prepare. Even Seventeens are out with them at the moment. So we've had them throw somethings onto a rack and told us to let them 'have at thee'," They said with a slight giggle. So finish what you're doing, grab your items, and meet us outside in the next 10 minutes," They said before walking outside. We all began to rush around to have everything ready slightly. I went back to my room, put some of my stuff in a small bag, and went back to the kitchen. Jay was searching the couch for who knows what. Heesung looked like he wanted to scream internally, Sunoo was looking at his phone camera, Jake was searching through the fridge, Ni-ki was stretching, and Sunghoon was looking at some pictures of Yuzuru Hanyu. (if any of you like Yuzuru Hanyu then I love you🫶) I walked over to Jay to see what on earth he was doing, "Jay hyung what are you looking for?" I asked looking at him. 

"My phone, I forgot where I put it and it didn't charge last night," Jay said slightly distressed. I looked around for a second and realized he put it in his back pocket. I walked behind him and grabbed it from his pocket. "It was in your pocket, Hyung," I said tapping his shoulder with it. "Oh... thank you Jungwonie," he thanked me, taking it from my extended hand. "By the way, I have a charger and charging box, but there will be outlets in the changing room," I said poking his nose and smiling. "Thank you! I got to hurry I don't have half of my stuff ready!" He said rushing off to the shared rooms. I smiled slightly and walked to Heesung, "You good, Hyung?" I asked with a smile. "Yeah, tired," he said with a slight laugh. I laughed a little too and walked off to the door. The whole staff crew was there simply looking at phones, watches, and other various items. Not long after the rest of the members walked out and we locked our dorm up. 

We swiftly got to the changing room with a few makeup artists and a rack of clothes. Soon everyone was busy walking through and looking at the rack. There were definitely some amazing outfits there. The members quickly grabbed what they decided to wear and scurried off to the changing rooms. Due to me being a little late walking in, I got the last pick. I wasn't sure if I liked the outfit or not. These were New Jeans and Seventeens' stylists so they gave us an interesting mix of clothes. 


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