Small Love sickness

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December 23rd ✯

I woke up to dekus amazing sent. I look over at Deku. His face was red, and he was sweating badly. Is he having a dream? Is he feeling okay? I think while I crawl closer and feel his forehead. God, he's burning up. I'll go get him some medicine and water. I think as I slowly get off the bed, not wanting to wake him. "K-kacchan." Deku says as he grabs my wrist so I wouldn't walk away. "Where are you going?" He asks me as he moves his other hand up to hold his head. "I was going to get you water and medicine, you don't look so well, what's wrong?" I ask. "My head hurts." He says. "Okay, I'll go get you some medicine, it will help you feel better," I say and kiss his forehead. He lets go of my hand and I walk out of his room and to the kitchen. I open a cabinet and rummage through to find the Tylenol. Where is it?! I thought. Do they seriously not have any? Oh, there it is. I think as I grab the thing. Ain't no goddamn way. Why is fucking empty?!

"Damnit." I curse as I throw the bottle away. I get a cold bottle of water and bring it back to deku. "Hey, I got you a water. But all the Tylenol is gone so I'm gonna have to run to the store real quick." I say and place the water bottle on his nightstand. "Okay, thank you." He says and smiles at me. We lock eyes, "I'll be back in a few minutes, is it okay if I take your bike?" I ask. "Yeah, of course." He says. "Okay, uh, bye. I love you." I say as I slowly back out of his room. "I love you, too." He says and giggles. I walk out of the front door and grab his bike.

I raced to the store. I walked in and went straight for the aisle where there would be medicine and stuff related to health. I wander down the aisle till I find the right medicine I was looking for. I grab it and walk up to the register. "Is that all you will be getting today?" The old man asks. I hum and hand him the money. It was $14 but I handed him $15. "Keep the change," I say and he smiles. "Thank you." He says. I hum once more and walk away with the bag. I walk out of the store and hop back on the bike.

Soon enough I get back to the house and open the door. "I'm back!" I say and get no response. I walk into his room and look at the sleeping Deku. I smile and walk over and place the medicine next to his half-drunken water bottle. I place my hand on his cheek. He's still warm, maybe he has a cold, or maybe the flu. I hope he's okay for Christmas. Wait, Christmas?! TOMORROWS FUCKING CHRISTMAS EVE, AND I HAVENT GOTTEN HIM ANYTHING. I'm such a bad boyfriend! I think and mentally slap myself as I find a sticky note to write on for Deku to read when he wakes up.

"I'm heading out again, I should be back in around an hour or so. If I'm not back for a while take 2 pills every few hours. Take 2 when you wake up as well.
I'll be home soon, Love you ♡︎"

Wrote that down and left slowly once more. I creeped out of the house and walked to the nearest bus stop. The bus came after a few moments. Usually, I would take the train but I decided to take the bus since it was closer and it drops me off at the shopping center.

Around 10 to 15 minutes go by and I finally get off the bus. I walk over a few blocks and get to the stores. I walk into a normal gift shop and make my way around the area. I have a small idea of what I could get him. I know I'm gonna give him my orange hoodie, he really likes that one. Every time he came over he always darted straight for it and wore it till he had to leave. He didn't like taking it off so I know he wants it. I smile as an image of deku wearing my hoodie pops into my head. God, he's so adorable. I think as I walk through more aisles. He has everything he needs and he has everything All Might. What does he want? I think to myself. I guess I can try to find some things of All Might that he doesn't have. I walk into a hero section and see lots of things for all the heroes. There was a lot of merch, clothing, figurines, etc for a lot of heroes. The ones that had the most shit were Endeavor and Hawks. They are still the top 2 heroes. And of course, there's All Might stuff everywhere as well. I walk over to the All Might part and look through the stuff. There were a lot of pictures, posters, figures, clothes, and key chains of him. There was some of him in his muscle form, and some in his skinny twig form. I grab a keychain and continue walking through the store. I walked past a small jewelry rack and some matching bracelets caught my eye.

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