PART ONE - RED - Chapter One

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Nan, Northern Thailand — 1834.

Once upon a time, in a secluded cottage, squeezed in the middle of hundreds — if not thousands of frangipani trees, lived a young prey hybrid bunny omega, Tee, along with his old-forsaken grandmother. Tee, however, was unlike the others.

The omega had a beauty that outshone all others — it was as if he was sent from the Gods themselves. He was pure... His eyes were those of diamonds, and his lips were red as wild cherries — and his skin; was a bright golden color; spotless, soft to the touch — a delicate flower. And his hair was black as a starless night. He was almost... Perfect.

However, such beauty sometimes seemed like a burdening curse to Tee.

You see, the alphas — some of them were predator alphas — wolves, lions, vipers; harboring cannibalistic traits, who accidentally stumbled upon the tiny cottage through their trek down to get to the nearby streams, or those who journeyed down south, or those who lived in the villages some seven hours walking distance. Their hungry eyes were always on Tee, lusting over his beauty.

If it weren't for his grandmother, a respectable woman by the village elders, they would've taken Tee a long time ago. Stripped him of his dignity, his virtue. Because of his grandmother, those alphas only looked on and never dared to cross the cottage gates. Tee knew though... He knew once his grandmother dies, an alpha would come for him, marking him as theirs.

Tee didn't fault them, though. As wrong as it was, it was how they lived for centuries...

Regardless, Tee cherished his days of freedom, neglecting the possibility of his grandmother one day dying because she was still a healthy and strong woman. She wouldn't just die... She wouldn't leave him to face the cruel world alone. She just wouldn't.


"Tee, come here sweetheart," Tee's grandmother called when the front door nudged open from inside her room, her voice warm and soft — a bit too tired, though. "I have something for you."

Tee wiped the sweat from his forehead the second he stepped inside the cottage home, trekking inside his grandmother's room. He hadn't seen her all day. She'd been asleep when he left earlier to chop wood in the backyard before going out to scout the forest grounds for wild berries and herbs for the two of them.

"Yes, grandma?" he joined the old lady, sitting on the floor, surrounded by balls of yarn — pink, blue, and yellow. Something else caught his eyes in his grandmother's arms, though. A bright fiery red bedding? Or a coat? Or... Tee didn't know what it was.

"Happy twenty-fifth birthday, sweetheart. Here." She smiled at him, stretching out her weary arms, and handing him the red — whatever it was. "You didn't think I'd forget now, did you?"

Tee's face flushed a bright pink while his heart warmed. Although he had forgotten about his birthday, his grandmother not only remembered, she also knitted him a gift.

"Thank you, Grandma," he took the red cloth with careful fingers, afraid he might dent the wooly fabric. "What is it?"

"Well, open it up and you'll see," she chimed in excitedly.

"Mm," Tee hummed with a newfound eagerness as he unfolded the cloth, revealing a cloak. Tee's eyes swell. "It's..." In all his young life, he had seen no one wearing a cloak before — and it was red too! "It's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen, grandma."

The old lady laughed lightly as Tee's eyes welled with unshed tears before she petted his long white bunny ears flat down. "Not as beautiful as you, my boy," she smiled. "Now try it on — let's see if it fits."

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