Chapter Twelve

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Life for Kai had been a constant void of nothingness, lonesomeness, piping-hot rage — and endless rivers of bitter tears since Tee poisoned him and left him without an ounce of guilt in his insensitive, stupid, stupid breakable bones.

Just the name Tee made Kai want to break something; someone... Tee — he wanted to break the foolish omega; snap him in half if he had to — rip out his whole heart and eat it raw the same way Tee had ripped out his whole heart!

Kai closed his eyes and exhaled deeply before his cold stare returned to the open window of Tee's home. His jaw twitched. Although it shouldn't bug him — not anymore — he couldn't help but be concerned about Tee's naivety. A lone omega; leaving his home open for any unwanted visitors.

Didn't Tee learn anything? How could he be so careless? What if someone tried to harm him?

Kai shook the thought out of his head. If anyone was going to harm Tee, it would be him.

Yes, the omega deserved to die.

Since Tee had left him withering on the floorboards, Kai stayed there for days, curled in on himself with nothing but his dark thoughts to keep him company.

He remembered the bitter days of his childhood, his dead brother — his piece-of-shit father. He remembered Tee's sweet smile, and he reminisced about the future they could've had if his wayward omega had just been more pliant, and docile like how omegas oughta be. He thought plenty about their baby, too; the non-existent one his deceitful omega lied about.

Foolish, foolish Tee...

He had to go and ruin it all because of his grandmother! The old lady was dying anyway; Kai just sped up the process. Tee should be more grateful; Kai did him a favor and took his burden away.

Ungrateful, the monster inside him reminded Kai before a low growl rumbled deep in his throat, and he took abnormally quick steps toward the cottage where Tee slept.

When Kai neared Tee's home, his eyes slightly softened when he caught sight of the omega's red cloak hanging near the open window; fluttering every time the breeze brushed by.

The first time he'd struck up a conversation with Tee, the omega had been wearing the red cloak.

As Kai looked around, inspecting the place, he frowned. Tee's home was a tiny flat cottage, barely livable, barely there. It had no steps like the one back in Nan, and although there were nearby cottages, there were no gates to keep predators out. The colorless structure had no homely sense to it either. Everything seemed stagnant, like a tolerable house instead of a comforting home.

He thought back to life in Nan: Tee loved the North; Kai wondered if he loved the South more.

Are you doing right by killing Tee? A faint humane whisper flickered at the back of Kai's mind.

The wolf gritted his teeth with a damning force when he caught his thoughts straying.

He needed to stay true to his impulse to do away with his once sweet, loving omega. He should not turn soft — he should not question his decision, so he willed his heart to harden like steel and climbed through the window on featherlight steps.

In the quiet night when Kai stepped foot into the cottage; the moonlight shining a pathway for his movements, he could hear his betraying heart thundering in his chest at first sight of his omega, alone, lying soundly asleep in bed, covered underneath a thick wooly blanket to keep him warm.

During his months of combing through Thailand, a part of him had expected to discover Tee with another alpha. The thought left a sour taste in his mouth, so he had envisioned countless times of ripping said alpha's throat out and relish in pleasure while Tee grimaced in sorrowful tears. Tee did not backstab him in that sense, though — he remained alone and loyal.

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