Chapter 87

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"Blake! Blake, wait!" I ran after him, and into the bedroom and he stopped and stood there, his back turned to me. He clenched his fists and took a deep breath, turning to face me. I saw the hurt in his eyes. His eyes, the emotion in his eyes, poured into mine. I could see the tears welling in his eyes as mine were doing the same.

"How..." Blake trailed off, dropping his head to the floor, shaking it. We stood in silence for a few moments, so he could get himself and his emotions together. He picked his head back up to meet my gaze again. His eyes glimmered with tears in the light. "How could you do that to me?" He asked, his breaths shaky. Mine were too. Couldn't he see we were feeling the same? How did I do this to him? I can't stop Russell's feelings. What was Blake talking about?

"Blake, this is not my fault. This is not me," I said, defending myself as much as possible. It wasn't my fault. Right?

"I-I just... I can't..." Blake couldn't even talk, as he kept leaving my gaze and biting his lip before two tears fell from his eye. "I should have never let you two talk again, be friends. Well, now you can't." I just nodded, not wanting to say anything else. I took two steps forward, and opened my arms for a hug, as Blake pushed me away. "And you knew, didn't you? Did you know he loved you?"

"N--" Blake cut me off, placing his large hand in front of my face.

"Morgan, don't you dare lie to me," he told me. Blake's tears were angry tears now.

"Yes," I answered honestly, sniffling and wiping away some of my tears.

"That's the reason you were crying, why you have been crying," Blake put the pieces together as I nodded.

"I refused to believe it," I told Blake, honestly. "I told him I loved you and only you, and it would forever be that way. He said ever since that night--"

"Don't talk about that," Blake interrupted again. I nodded, agreeing to his wish.

"That he couldn't stop thinking about me..." I trailed off. There was a strange relieved feeling in the pit of my stomach. I was relieved to tell Blake what had happened. "I wanted us to still be friends, I really did... But now?" Blake shook his head. "I don't think we can... But, Blake, I've been wanting to tell you, but I... I didn't know how. I swear on my life I only love you. I have never stopped. And... and, you know how I am not good about opening up about things."

"Well get better," Blake snapped. I swallowed hard, letting my hair fall in front of my eye, and I nodded slowly. "Why didn't you just tell me, Morgan?" I shrugged. "You don't..." Blake trailed off, closing his eyes. "You don't love him back... do you?"

I took a steady breath and swallowed hard. Did I love Russell? Even if I did, the small chance I may have, I couldn't and wouldn't ever admit it to the man who really did have my heart. But whenever I saw Russell, heard about him, heard his voice, saw his smile, I couldn't help but feel warm inside. "No, no, Blake, I love you. And only you." I could tell Blake was trying to suppress an evident smile once I had said that.

"You're sure?" Blake asked me again, and I sighed, rolling my eyes.

"Blake, if I didn't love you, and I loved someone else, I wouldn't have said yes to marrying you. Am I right?" Blake smiled this time and nodded, biting his lip. "And don't bite your lip." Blake smirked at me, and I smiled back. "It makes me want to pounce on you." Blake bit his lip again and rubbed it in my face, kissing me lightly.

"What am I gonna do?" Blake muttered into our kiss, and he drew away, his love filled eyes, replaced back with his concerned ones.

"What do you mean, Blake? What are you talking about?" I asked him, narrowing my eyes.

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