Chapter 4

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The next morning, I met Blake as we planned, the Clippers' practice center at 8:45. I showed up, as he was still practicing, and set my stuff down on the wall, turning around to see him beaming to me. "Good morning," he cooed and I cocked my head to one side and raising my eyebrow like a puppy. I grabbed his jacket from my bag and handed it to him.

"Keep it," he said, refusing to take the jacket. I still held out the jacket to him.

"Blake, I can't accept that," I said, shaking my head and pushing the jacket to him, but he took a step back. He pushed it back towards me, and gave me an if-you-give-it-back-you're-gonna-be-in-trouble look. I slipped the jacket back into my bag, feeling bad for taking it, it just didn't feel right. "Why are you in such a good mood?" I asked him, as he tossed me a basketball from the rack.

"I dunno," He replied, and I smiled at how cute he was. I pointed to the three point line on the court, and instructed Blake to go. It was time to practice his free throws, we focused on me all yesterday's practice. "Nope," he resisted and I raised my eyebrows in disbelief, of course I was just messing around. "You're the one who is breaking records, you're career means more right now." I shook my head.

"Blake, we focused on my game all yesterday. C'mon, brodie, we're practicing today." Blake shook his head, laughing heartily when I called him "brodie."

"No, no way, just for today? We have to get you dunking, c'mon, 'brodie,'" he said mocking me, and I smiled.

"Fine, just today," I said, giving in. You're too generous, I don't like it." I said, smiling and he smiled back.

"I never smile this much, when I'm around anyone else," Blake admitted, and then smiled.

"Why not?" I asked, curiously, "you have an extraordinary smile, wish I had a smile like that." This made Blake grin from ear to ear.

"Psh, you have the best smile I've ever seen," Blake nodded towards me, of course I was smiling. "Everybody's always told me I have the worst smile. That's why I never smile in pictures or anything, I try not too smile too much." I looked shocked. I walked up to him, and he smiled and I squeezed his dimples.

"It's adorable," I said, never breaking our eye contact. "Your freckles are too," I said, and this time he rolled his eyes.

"No way, I used to get bullied because of my freckles." I didn't know why Blake was opening up to me about this. He was really cute, everything about him. His personality was amazing. We were now so close, I could feel his hot breath trickle along my neck, the arms erupted in goosebumps, and my stomach fluttered. I felt his hand on my hip, pulling me closer and he was leaning into me.

"Hey guys!" Someone yelled from the door, as it erupted open. DeAndre. Blake and I immediately separated once we heard him and his smile faded when he saw us. "Sorry, did I interrupt something?" Blake opened his mouth to answer, but I answered for him.

"No, not at all, we were just about to start practice," I said and DeAndre smiled, letting the door shut behind him. I turned away from DeAndre and towards Blake, bearing my teeth. Blake put on a fake smile, and went to coach me on dunking.

DeAndre and I have been good friends for awhile now, since I got out of high school. I met him at a Texas, when I was watching a game, and ever since he had supported me. When I made it into the WNBA I always hung out with him and Maya. I had only been to a couple of Clippers games, and we always wanted me to party like Maya did. I had just never met any of the other players, such as Blake. DeAndre was a great friend, and I wouldn't trade him for the world.

"Good thing the best dunker in the NBA is here," DeAndre said, smiling to both of us.

"I didn't have any idea you guys knew each other," Blake said, running his hand though his hair, "small world." I nodded, and made another free throw, making it, looking back to Blake, who rolled his eyes. "Dunk!" He said, and I walked over to the three point line. I bounced the ball once, making contact with the floor, and ran towards the basket. I extended two strides toward the basket, and I was airborne. I powered the ball with my one hand, and felt my fingertips hit the rim. Swoosh. I landed on the ground a bit roughly, but heard DeAndre and Blake cheer behind me. I turned around to face them, and curtsied.

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