Dash and Shadow go out?

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Dashie: you know what's funny Shadz?

Shadow: hm?

Dashie: we act like we're dating when we're not hehe...

Shadow: oh really? *smirks*

Marli: You guys should totally go out!

Danny: of course you would say that

Marli: yep!

Shadow: then let me properly ask Dash out

Dashie: eh?

Shadow: DashStar Beats, will you be mine officially forever?

Dashie: *blushes* y-yes! *kisses cheek*

Shadow: I guess we tell BlackStar

Dashie: not my dad *groan*

Marli: I'm sure your dad would let you date him!

Dashie: *dials BlackStar* hello?.....hey dad.........I'm dating Shadow.......0_0.........really?...........*facepalm* gee thanks dad.........tell mom, Uncle Soul, and Aunt Maka I said hey......bye

Shadow: he's letting you?

Dashie: him and mom ship us

Marli: XD well that was easy now PARTY!

Danny: only you would want to throw a party

Marli: you know it!

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