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Adam Dudley x Reader


Adam Dudley had never seen anyone as beautiful as you.

With your moonstone eyes and polished looks, he looked like a slob next to you.

You grew up on a farm on the outskirts of Texas, venturing into the big city for a culture-shock college experience. Adam was terrorizing your college campus when he saw you for the first time. Your high-collared blouse and loose trousers made his heart jump more than any fancy dress ever had, so he made his way toward you. He flashed a sleazy smile so bright you couldn't help but fall in love with him.

You wore his spare hockey jersey over your floral shirts and bandaged his bloodied knuckles after every hockey game. You made every wish of his come true, yet he never went to the same lengths for you.

It wasn't that he didn't love you- far from it- he just didn't know how to love you properly. Adam was self-admittedly big and dumb and bad at relationships, those being his exact words when he got down on one knee to ask you to be his girlfriend, which you still laughed at him about.

Adam could knock a man out with one punch on ice skates with a broken rib, but time after time again he failed to see how you were hurting.

You could practically track the months by how Adam started to show you less and less of his affection. He no longer was the man who got down on one knee to ask you on a date, now morphed into nothing but a mere figment of a partner. His southern drawl that once brought you to your knees only brought you disappointment, knowing that he wasn't treating you like he used to.

You didn't think it was that hard to treat you right, sure, you could be prissy just like everyone else, but you didn't need to be treated like a precious jewel. If growing up in the country taught you anything it was that you had to learn to take care of yourself, and so you did.

"Baby love, I don't think I can do this anymore." You had both of his arms wrapped tightly around you in your shared bed. You felt Adam tense up. He didn't speak, so you continued.

"I've told you you need to pay more attention to me. All you do is train and practice and there's barely any of you left for me. I made you my world and you just added me to yours." His arms, once tense, suddenly tightened almost painfully around you.

"Stay with me for tonight?"


You had officially become a somewhat single woman.

Your world faded from you, his blonde hair and wolf teeth no longer shining at you around every corner like pearls, only his black jersey which hadn't moved from the back of your couch. You changed what coffee you kept in the house and burned your favorite candle so much you didn't realize you were snuffing out the final glimpses of him, reclaiming what you once knew as yours.

You had never been one for clubs, always having to babysit Adam as he drank himself under the table. He tried to convince you to drink with him, but you knew it was a bad idea. He knew it was a bad idea. The breakfast he always ordered for you the next morning as his apology knew it was a bad idea.

Your shimmery black dress glinted like diamonds under the flashing club lights. You screamed along to the old pop songs the band played and bounced around with your friends with no rhyme or rhythm, only worried about having the best night of your life. You were two drinks into a low-alcohol cocktail when you stepped outside.

The air chilled your bare legs, your heels scraping against the asphalt roughly as you leaned against the brick wall of the club. The music still thrummed through your veins, and you couldn't help but look up at the old streetlights above and noticed how they mimicked citrines.

"What's a beautiful girl like you doing out here on a night like this?" Your head snapped to the side at the sudden voice, your hand flying to the weapon concealed in your bag. "Trying to avoid guys like you."

"I'm sorry for scaring you. My band's on break and it's cooler out here than in the dressing room." You looked his leather-clad form up and down then made it back up to his onyx-fire eyes. You did remember seeing him on stage, so you assumed you were safer than you first thought. "You guys were good."

"Thank you." Your eyes turned back up to the sky and you watched as the darkness of the night twirled and danced, putting on its best show for you.

"I hate to be this forward, but do you have a man?"

"I don't remember."

Sapphire tears were all that now filled your life. Countless failed attempts at forgetting your blonde-haired blue-eyed world and none of them worked. The other men treated you like gold, but only for a night. The man from the band said that the heavens were carved in your name, but only after you saw him with lapis in his veins and rubies in his eyes.

It took you two months to reach out to him. Two agonizing months for him. He did all he could to ready himself for you again. He cut back on practice and cut even further back on drinking, doing anything he could to polish his life up so love could truly thrive again.

It settled all in one night between bedsheets, the stars, and your penthouse on Von Teese Avenue.

best believe i'm still bejeweled

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