Gaolang Wangsawat 01

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Requested by: @Midnightstar234 !!

you have your soulmates' fatal flaw on your wrist; the trait or ideal that will inevitably be their downfall. the flaw changes color once you are near your soulmate, and doesn't stop until you touch.



Loyalty was a fairly reasonable fatal flaw in her mind. She would never let it be her downfall, but she did understand how it could be so important to someone. The words written on her friend's wrists were all more common flaws: greed, pride, lying, and indifference. Of course there was the occasional kindness or generosity branded onto someone's skin, but it was rare to see loyalty on someone's wrist, and that's why she was so skeptical towards it at first.

She had visited therapists and doctors around the world to confirm her suspicion of her mark being a mistake, but every single one said that it wasn't. She wasn't too excited about the fact that her soulmate was so loyal that it would end up biting them in the ass.

"I will be fine. You know I've studied his moves too long to lose to Gaolang." Kaneda placed a gentle hand on his friends shoulder and smiled. She was a bundle of nerves in anticipation of his fight with someone they called 'The Thai God of War'.

"But what if he lands a strong punch and knocks you out completely before you can even analyze his moves further!" She glanced behind Kaneda's figure and out into the arena. The tunnel entrance they stood in let deafening cheers from the large crowd awaiting the fight.

"I can promise you that he will not knock me out in the first couple minutes, okay?"

"Fine. Just don't get yourself killed." Kaneda sent the woman a nod before walking out of the tunnel. He waved to the roaring crowd and stood to face the Thai God of War.

The blue lights faded from around Kaneda and she could clearly see his figure again.

The referee stepped in between the pair and signaled the match with a yell.

She let out a loud gasp as Gaolang landed a string of forceful punches to Kaneda's face. The man kept a stoic face as he continued bouncing on his feet; a traditional boxing technique she learned from Kaneda.

The fight continued with Gaolang landed strong punches and Kaneda taking them.

"Kaneda!" She shrieked as Gaolang walked away from his bloodied body.

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