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tw: This chapter contains sexual content. Read with caution.

"I was coming to apologize to you before they told me to sit down. I didn't know you weren't in here or I would've just stayed in my dorm." I pulled at my fingers while he searched for a pair of pajamas to wear. He kept the room dim, like the bright lights would hurt his eyes after how dark the common room had been. "I wanted to say that I'm sorry for pushing you away earlier-"

"It was me. Not you." He said sharply. I didn't say anything else as I watched Tundra explore his dorm for herself, rubbing her side along certain pieces of furniture like she was marking her territory. "Nothing for you to apologize to me for." He didn't look at me as he walked into his bathroom and let the door shut behind him.

"Okay." I huffed to myself. He wasn't gone for long before he came back out and leaned against his dresser. His arms were crossed over his chest and he kept his emotionless mask on.

He shook his head slowly, his icy hair following the motion. What he was judging me for this time, I couldn't tell, but it was very apparent that's what he was doing from his posture alone. The awkward tension surrounding us was starting to make me uncomfortable.

"I- I'll just go now. That's all I needed— to apologize." I pushed myself up from his bed and gulped. The air seemed thick in here, like it was hard to breathe it in clearly. Maybe it was because it was full of the intoxicating, smothering scent of his cologne and hair products. As if I don't enjoy it.

"So, we're just friends?" He quirked a brow and tilted his head with the sudden question. My eyes shot in his direction, confusion taking over my senses.

"Hardly even that, it seems." I took back my words from the common room. If I had a time turner and really could go back, I wouldn't have even left my dorm room.

"That's not what you just said downstairs. Now you have people believing I'm your friend— that I'm friends with you, when I'm not." His low voice sounded angry as he shook his head to make the message clear.

Panic flushed through my system from the way he was looking at me. I had dealt with angry men my entire life, and it was a fear that was instilled in me years ago. I now understood what it felt like to be those down in the common room under his intimidating threats. The fear Draco could make you feel when his eyes turned dark and when his words felt like venom was almost astonishing.

"It- it just slipped out. I don't know why I said it." I shook my head, backing away as he edged closer. My voice was broken as it sputtered out through my parted lips.

My thighs struck the edge of his bed and knocked me off balance, making me fall backwards until my back hit the mattress with a slight spring. I sat up as swiftly as I could and crawled away on my hands when he finally towered over me. My eyes looked towards his door, my hands started to quivering as well as my jaw, and I started making lists of all the ways I could try to escape this as soon as he starts treating me how I'm used to men doing with their punishments.

"You and I, Rook-" He leaned over me now, making my head fall back on his pillows. His hands rested on either side of my head, trapping me here between his arms. "We aren't friends." He warned me, flicking his tongue out to wet his lips so quickly I could've missed it had I not been paying such attention to him to anticipate his next move. "We will never be friends with one another. I thought I made that perfectly clear." His face inched closer to mine, letting me smell the faint cigarette smoke that lingered on him. I could see how every muscle of his jaw worked as his teeth clenched together and his face set into a complete look of stone.

"Crystal." It was obvious that I was holding my breath because my voice hardly carried the word out. I was trying so hard to ignore the killer instinct that was obvious behind his eyes. They were still mesmerizing, filling me with an intoxicated sensation that I constantly found myself needing— craving more and more and more.

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