Chapter Twenty-Six: Weston | Whipped

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It's officially Halloween and I couldn't be any less excited. While everybody else has been slaving away on their costumes and getting the house ready for the party, I've been treating it like any other day. Besides, I have a mid-term coming up, and if I don't ace it, there's a chance I won't pass the class.

Parties used to be everything to me. I worshipped going out like it was the healer of all medicines. Sure, I had some fun times sprinkled in there, but was it worth the pounding hangovers for a memory I could only half remember? I'm not sure if it's because I'm 'maturing' or whatever, but I find more contentment in staying in on Fridays and weekends. RJ and Eli have called me 'grandpa' one too many times because of it.

I'm at the kitchen table with a pencil between my teeth, my fingers attempting to type up this 2,500-word essay for criminology when they walk in. "Sooo. What do you think?" RJ sings. I glance up and hold in a laugh. RJ is in a striped prisoner's costume complete with chains around his wrists and ankles. Eli has on jeans, a denim jacket, an orange vest, and a skateboard tucked into his armpit. A very tall, 6''3 Marty McFly.

"You guys look good. Stupid, but good."

Eli pretends to put me in a headlock. "And where's your costume, smartass?"

I scoot my chair back and gesture towards my outfit. My everyday outfit, being a quarter-zip sweatshirt and gray sweatpants. "What do you mean? I'm obviously a stressed college student."

They're in the middle of shit talking my costume when Gracie and her friend Nessa walk into the kitchen and head towards the fridge. They're giggling and chatting about something, but my gaze is focused on one thing and one thing only. When Gracie turns around and I get a full-frontal view of her costume, I swear my heart stops for a split second.

She looks different. A silky green dress hugs her body tight. She's not wearing a bra, a fact I notice right away, and something I try to forget. To say the dress is small is an understatement. The thing stops well above her knees, and I find my eyes raking her long legs. The only indication that she's a fairy is the green wings and the flower crown perched on her head. Her hair is down and curly. Again. Nessa is in an identical get-up, except her color theme is purple. I don't pay attention to her though because I can't stop fucking looking at Gracie.

It's not until RJ calls my name twice that I snap out of it. "Huh? What?" When I glance at my friends, I don't like the knowing snickers they're wearing. "What?" I ask again, less patient this time.

Gracie and Nessa walk back out the kitchen with sodas in their hands. Gracie catches my eye but doesn't say anything. There's no 'hello' or 'hi' or mockery of my lack of costume like I expected. I keep staring until she looks away first. When they're gone and it's just us guys again, Eli pats my shoulder. "Dude. She's got you whipped."

RJ adds: "Yeah, what's up with that? I swear, a week ago y'all couldn't even be in the same room together."

I haven't told them about what happened on the balcony, and I'd prefer to keep it that way. Knowing this is our little secret makes the whole night feel more memorable. 

I shake my head and turn back towards my laptop, hoping they get the message and leave. "Just tell me when the party starts so I know when to leave" I grumble. I told them that I didn't plan on staying. Seeing random people from campus trash my house and drink all my beer isn't my ideal night. Besides, this essay is really kicking my ass right now, I'd rather put my time to other usage. That is, until RJ opens his mouth and says, "We told people to come at 8. The guys from the team are coming at 9 though cause some of them are driving from up north."

I pivot my body. "The guys from the team are coming here?"

Eli and RJ stare at each other, which is how I know that was supposed to be a secret. A secret that Eli stupidly told RJ, because RJ can't keep a secret for his life. "Shit" RJ mumbles.

I stand up. "Who's coming?"

RJ scratches his neck and feigns interest at the ceiling. "Um. You know, just...Derek and Sam...maybe Thomas and Chad...possibly John-"


"Okay, calm down-"

"ohn is gonna be here? In our house? Again?" The thought of him trying something with Gracie has my blood boiling to dangerous heights. Especially if she's wearing a dress like that. I'm slamming my laptop shut and packing up my things.

"You're leaving already?"

"No. The opposite. I'm staying."

RJ perks up. "So you're gonna party with us after all?"

"No, dumbass. I'm gonna make sure he stays the hell away from her." Even just saying it has me ridiculously irritated.

"Like I said. Whipped." Eli comes right up to me and mimics unleashing a whip. "Ka-ccchhh."

He Shoots, She scoresWhere stories live. Discover now