Chapter Sixteen: Weston | Roommate Wars

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"Move over" I tell Gracie. She's sprawled over the couch with a bowl of popcorn and gummy bears in her lap. Sixteen Candles is playing on the screen. And it's a Wednesday.

"Why? I was here first" she protests.

"Technically, I was."

Gracie frowns. "You know what I mean. And I'm not moving."

"You can watch your movie whenever you want. This is the only time I'll get to watch the hockey game live."

"Too bad. Finder's keepers." She throws a piece of popcorn into the air and misses. It lands on the carpet. I pick it up immediately.





I grab the remote from the coffee table. Gracie stands up instantly. "Give that back!"

"Make me." Her arms reach forward, straight for the remote, but I don't waste a second. I grab her extended arm and throw her over my shoulder. Gracie screams. "What are you doing?! Put me down, Weston! WESTON!" Her fists repeatedly thud my back. I don't let go. "PUT. ME. DOWN!"

She's already made me miss last week's game with that stupid book club. I've had a long day of class and practice that any composure remaining has snapped. So with her over my shoulders like a sack of potatoes, I keep going all the way upstairs until we're in her bedroom and then I drop her on the bed. She lands on her ass. In the scuffle, her hair is wild like a bird's nest. "Stay" I command, like she's a dog. The last thing I see before I shut the door is her piercing glare.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The next day, I waltz up to her and get a weird sense of déjà vu. "Where are my keys?" I demand to Gracie. She's curled up on the couch without a care in the world, one leg hiked up, sipping gingerly from a coffee mug. She's reading a book. I didn't know she likes to read, although I'm not surprised at the hobby. My mind itches to know what other things she likes, but I quickly suppress it.

"Hm?" She doesn't look up. Just flips a page. I snatch it from her and toss it onto the sofa.

"Don't play dumb, sweetheart. Where are my keys?"

"I don't know." A small smile reveals she's lying. For someone who studies acting, she sure as hell sucks at it. "Did you check the bathroom?"

"I don't have to check the bathroom. You know why? Because I always put my keys on the hook in my room. Always. I've never once misplaced them, and I don't think it's a coincidence that it's happening for the first time with you here." I kneel next to her so we're eye level. "I'm not going to ask you again. Where. Are. My. Keys?"

She matches my intense tone. Leans in so we're nearly nose-to-nose. "I told you. I. Don't. Know."

Her smell is too intoxicating. I lean back. Pinch my nose. "I'm not playing around, Lavergne. I have a lecture today that I can't miss."

Gracie reaches for her book. "That's too bad. Guess you'll have to text a classmate for the notes."

Okay, now she's starting to piss me off. "I know you hid my keys, Gracie. Tell me where they are."

"How about-" she stands up abruptly, "-you call off that hands off policy. And then we'll call it even."

So that's what this is about. "Yeah, nice try. Now give me my keys or I'm telling everyone you scream Barney in the shower."

She freezes. "You record me in the shower, you psycho!?"

"No, dumbass, you just sing so loud that your screeching bleeds through my walls!"

"If we're talking bleeding through the walls, maybe I should reference your god-awful sex noises during the night! It sounds like a dying cow was run over by an ambulance-"

RJ suddenly appears. He has a finger in the air. "Hey guys- someone wanna tell me why I found a pair of keys in my underwear drawer?"


I stop. Gracie and I make eye contact. Time freezes. We're both sill.

She breaks first, rushing for the stairs. I dart next, but Gracie shoves a kitchen chair in my path, causing me to stumble. I curse, watching her near the top steps while I'm only halfway.

Our feet thunder on the stairs. Gracie is already inside Eli's room by the time I get there. We end up in a tug-of-war with the door. I wedge my foot just in time and push, which doesn't require much effort. "God, why do you have to be so strong?" I hear her growling from the other side.

With one final shove I'm in the room now. Gracie dives for the bottom drawer. I grab her waist from behind and swing her out of the way, onto the bed. With one quick yank, I've finally succeeded my keys. This girl doesn't give up though. I feel a pressure around my neck, and when I stand up, she's got me piggy-back style, trying to choke me out. "Give me the keys!" she yells in my ear.

RJ appears right on time and pries Gracie off. He's shouting, "Enough, you pair of crazies!" Gracie and I stand side by side panting. I tug down my shirt which has ridden up amidst the fight. I catch Gracie eyeing the sliver of skin in the process. "Figure this out!" He gestures between us. "Like living with a bunch of toddlers" he murmurs on his way out. 

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