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Pov (Ethan)
It's been a hour now since she stormed out of the house I've already called Sam and Zoe there out looking for her now they have also reported her as missing, I should have gone after her anything could of happened Sienna calling everyone we know to check If she with them. We've been told to stay in Forget that I'm going out to look for her. "I can't just wait here I'm going out to find her she needs us she's unwell" I say getting up from my chair. "WAIT" Joel shouts before I leave "I'm coming with you she my sister and I need to be here Dad, Sienna stay here incase she comes back" Joel says before putting his arm around me. We've searched for 4 hours nothing at all and then I get a call from Sienna "Babe she safe she staying at Ste's tonight a sleepover with Sid I've just called Ste asking If she okay and he said yes so I know she there" Sienna says "That's great news I'll let everyone know" I say before hanging up. "Guys she's fine she staying at a mates" I say relieved we then make our way back home. Where I talk to Sam "I'm scared that were going to push her away" I say as we walk "You won't thought she knows you love her and that you care there no need to be worrying over things we can't control she will get help I'll make sure of it and when she gets better that will be great" he says smiling at me "You really see her as part of our family don't you" I say to him as he smiles "I do and you see her as your daughter don't you and you will do anything for her won't you" he says "Yeah of course I will" I say "Then you need to help her to get help she really needs this. "You know what your right I'll go take her some fresh clothes round to Ste's and adleast she took her Antibiotics with her" I say as I smile to Sam "She's a smart girl bring her round to Dave's tomorrow it will only be Me and Zoe I want to find out why she scared of going to the doctors" he says as he looks at me. "Deal but only If I can stay just incase" I say "Of course you can your worried about her arn't you" he says again. "Yeah I am if I could swap places with her I would and I would do it three thousand times again for her" I say Sam smiles. When I get back I pack a bag with Sienna for her and then I took it round to Ste's i knocked on the door Ste Answered "i've just come round to drop her bag off How is she?" I ask "Yeah she fine she took her Antibiotic by the way and they have both had pizza for tea and she just upstairs talking to Sid I can get her if you want" Ste says "Yes please" I say As Ste calls up For (Y.N) "Coming" she says as she walks down the stairs "Ethan" She says running over and giving me a hug "I've just come to give you your bag it's got everything you need in it" she smiles as I say this "Thank you I love you" she says "I love you to" I say before leaving. When I got home I felt better after seeing her but better knowing she had her sleepover stuff and that she was safe and with someone we trusted. I told Sienna what she had said. "I've really messed things up haven't I she told me she needed me and I just thought about myself like I always do, you know what I would go towards the end of the world for my kids and soon as one tells me how she's feeling I kick off" she says "Don't beat yourself up about it it was a shock and (Y.N) knows that" I say trying to calm her down "I feel so sick to know she been so unwell and I haven't noticed that she was hurting right infront of me I've been to wrapped up in work" Joel says as he looks like he's about to cry again. "It could of been worst I'm her mum and I didn't even relise she was in pain a little distant yes but she alway seem so happy and bubbly maybe I've been to wrapped up in my Own problems that I didn't notice my Daughter was struggling" she says "Look let's not look at the past we know now we can help her now she going to be fine I'm sure of it it's not going to be easy but we're here for her now" I say. Everyone just nodded they agree.

Pov (Y.N)
It's the next day I've been awake for 30 minutes talking to Sid and having breakfast when it came time for me to go get changed I moved my tin into my coat pocket. Before going to the toilet "Sid" I called as I relised I had started my period "Yeah (Y.N) Is everything okay?" He asks outside the door "Can you grab me a pad there inside my coat pocket" I say "Yeah Sure" he says

Pov (Sid)
Coat pocket right I put my hand in and pulled out a tin I've already found them I think to myself when I opened it I noticed two blades, some antibacterial wipes and plasters I shut the tin and put it on the dresser in my bedroom. Please tell me she not "Sid what's taking you so long" She calls from the other room "Two minutes" I say before going back into her coat and pulling out a pad I passed it her and then went back into my room.

Pov (Y.N)
When I went back in the room Sid was quiet "Thank you for grabbing it for Me" I say "No problem" he says looking upset "(Y.N) what is this" he asks "What is what?" I asked he then holds up my kit "It's not what you think" I say looking at him "Then what is it show me your arms" he says I pull my sleeve up revealing the healing cuts. Sid begins to cry "You've been struggling with this all by yourself why didn't you tell me?" He asks "I was scared you would see me differently" I say "I would never a problem shared is a problem solved" he says opening his arms "Come here" he says pulling me in for a hug. "I'm getting rid of this okay" he says holding my kit I nodded my head.

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