{chapter 01}

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3rd pov

A red haired boy look both sides before looking at the other five "Is that all for the new student dorm assignment?" He questioned receiving a nod from a blonde boy " Listen up new studens, here in Heartslabyul I am the rules. Break them and it's off with your head" announced the red haired "Uugghh. The stuffy ceremony is finally over" a guy with brown hair and lion eyes rolled his eyes "I'm going back to the dorm. If you in Savanaclaw, follow me" He said looking at one group of students.

"To the new students, congratulations on entering this academy. Enjoy your life here to it's fullest" a boy wearing glasses said with a smile "As the dorm leader of Octavinelle, I will support you to the best of my ability" but in the middle of the people, someone look at him with a angry face.

"He remind me of Lie-la" She whisper 'Even on where ever I am, that bitch follows me'  thought to her self, not noticing a boy next to her slowly walking away, because of the dark aura around her. Back to the dorm let group, The blond young man with the purple ends of his hair looked around looking for someone.

"Did anyone see where the headmaster go? He disappeared in the middle of the ceremony" he asked "Abandoning his post..." A blue flying tablet said "Maybe did he get a stomachache or something?" Suggested a boy with turban, but suddenly someone almost broke down the door "NOT AT ALL".

Holding her hand close to her chest, the (H/c) haired take deep breaths trying to calm herself down 'Holy shit, that guy is crazy or something?!' she asked mentally before looking at the boy and cat(?) "Speak of the devil" the shortest murmured.

"I cannot believe you all! We were missing one new student, so I went to find them" the man with black hair announced turning to the boy and saying something to the him. Going back to our dear (Y/n), the girl as struggling to see what is happening.

'Why when things start happening everyone decide to block my view?' the girl ask herself standing on tiptoe to see the situation "Come on! I want to see what's happening" The girl whisper to her self, but suddenly she feel a little hand on her shoulder, looking with the corner of the eye.

A small, red creature with a black dot on the head
(Y/n)! I finally found you!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2023 ⏰

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