Backstory /Chapter 2

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"Why would you leave so soon you must have just docked recently? You should stay a little longer. I can show you LA. "I would love to stay but if I don't meet Jack he leaves my ship there and somebody can take it or somebody will get suspicious that there's a pirate around here and then I'm screwed."

"I'm sure there's a way I can solve that problem for you" he states, very confident in himself. "Lucifer, my ship is bigger than the Black Pearl. I don't think you're going to be able to hide it. I don't think anything that could hold that ship believe me I've looked into it."

"You would be surprised how much I could do." Lucifer says with a chuckle at the end. Then out of the blue Lucifer put his hand in a prayer-like position like he was clapping but he didn't pull his hands apart again and then whispered. "Atys do you want to give me a hand with something?" then separated his hands and looked at me as if nothing happened. Just as I go to stand up to paste the room because I'm confused about everything. Then the elevator dings and then less than 5 seconds later the elevator door opens to reveal a man.

The man stepped out of the elevator he looked to be about 6.3. He was wearing a pair black of dress pants with a white dress shirt ,and his suit jacket thrown over his shoulder as he looked at Lucifer. "What do you need, Lucy?" The man asks. " Atys It's been such a long time since I've seen you how's Dad doing" "Your father is about to rip my head off because I'm not dragging you back to hell like I'm supposed to be" Atys Replies "Whatever my father will get over it sooner or later, I have a favour to ask of you" Lucifer says very confident in himself. " Okay what's the favour the almighty devil needs" Devil it runs through my head is Lucifer actually the devil the name didn't ring a bell till now being a pirate father never really brought up god or the devil. All we know is the Pirates go to hell and that you hope you die on your ship and maybe you'll go to Davy Jones Locker instead of hell, that's only if you got put into debt by Davy Jones. Sometimes being a pirate that's all you want. you don't want to die. You kind of want to just continue. I've had a couple close calls myself and I have one deal with Davy Jones though and in the prose I have met the tentacle face, quite the man I do say so myself very self-centred.

I pulled myself out of my thoughts to hear what he needs " I need you shrink Rose's ship so I can hide it here in the penthouse for her so she can stay in LA for a little while.Then you just leave me with one feather off your wing they are falling off everywhere, so we can resize her ship whenever we need." Lucifer says I look down at the atys's feet To see there's a couple pearly white feathers laying beside his shoes. "Okay Lucifer fine I guess I owe you one anyways you can have whatever feathers have fallen on the floor deal" atys says " Deal" Lucifer sticks out his hand to shake hands, They shake hands then atys turns walks to the elevator and leaves. I don't think he really wanted to be here but I didn't care.

as soon as he leaves Lucifer turns to me. "So does that sound like a good idea?, love" he asks.I look him dead in the eye and say "Lucifer I don't know if that'll work". He frowns just stares blankly at me and I don't know what to do. Then he finally says " Why do you say that love?" My eyes widened, the thought didn't really cross my mind that you'd ask why it wouldn't work. I hate telling people anything about my past even if it's about my ship, but he probably won't leave me alone until I tell him. I take a deep breath and speak with the shakiness to my voice and slight embarrassment to the situation on why I had to strike a deal with Davy Jones. "So there's a pirate named Davy Jones He caires dead soles or some people just say pirate I'm not sure but to the afterlife None the lass." I am beginning to get really nervous now but I continued "So the reason why this might not work is because my ship has sunk once before" he looks at me as if I had just died and sat right back up. "What do you mean?" he asks me with frowned eyebrows. I take another deep inhale and speak again. "So Davy Jones can be like a second chance for some things if you can strike a deal that he likes. and my ship had been sunk because I had a crewmate turn on me. He took a cannon, flipped it backwards and blew a hole in the bottom of my ship causing it to sink. And with my luck Davy Jones had been picking up Souls not far from there." I was hesitant to continue but I did " I offer Davy Jones a deal that instead of 100 years service on the Flying Dutchman I will do whatever she needs when he needs it so whenever he needs me I will have a black dot appear on my Palm. And then he will send one of his crew mates to my ship to Lead Me to where he is if my compass will not show me and I do what he wants and I go back to whatever I was doing. I don't know if the fact that my ship has a deal with Davy Jones keeping it above water will let it be shrunk? and I'm scared that if we mess with it will cancel my deal with Davy Jones. It'll sink and I won't be able to get it back."

Lucifer looks at me as if I was a ghost. Oh great another person's going to try to turn me in and get me hanged wonderful, I thought to myself. Then he finally spoke. I had a huge sigh of relief and he said "So this Davy Jones can decide whenever he wants something done and a black dot will appear on your palm any time he wants or he'll sink your ship?" Lucifer asks, sounding very confused, never thought I would see him like that by the way he talked so confidently around everybody else. "Yes and I'm scared of tempering with Davy Jones and I don't want him to command me to 100 years of service on the Flying Dutchman" I say worryingly. "But I'm the devil I don't think Davy Jones will mess with me"Lucifer says Confidently. "oh no he can find a way to kill you and send you to his locker supposed to be better than hell so if you die while you still have a deal with Davy Jones before it's For filled you go to Davy Jones Locker you don't go to hell you don't go to heaven The only way to kill the davy Jones is to stab his heart but the one thing is his heart isn't in his chest it is buried in a chest on an island somewhere in the Caribbean the only person that knows where it is Davy Jones and he keeps the key to the chest on him i his tentacles at all times no one has ever been able to find the chest, no one has been able to get the key there's no killing Davy Jones without stabbing his heart."I explained to Lucifer he looks at me as if I told him hell didn't exist in this world or something. He just stares at me. I think he's trying to process what I said but I can't be sure.

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