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December 10

Meek POV

Nicki been on my mind hard lately. We gotta good ass friendship & I don't think she's ready for another relationship but she gotta know how I feel about her. It's 10 in the morning & im on my way to get my son Papi. I pulled up to my babymomma Fah house & knocked on the door. "Look Papi your dad is here to get you." She yelled from the door. "Can I come in?" I asked. "Sure." She said moving out the way so I can come in. "Where's Nicki?" She asked. "She's not with me this time, but speaking off Nicki I need your advice on something." I said.

"Ok what's up." Fah said. "So yk Nic & I been cool for a while now & I think im ready to ask her out but I need advice on how to do it." I said. "Ok so you needa go all out bc this is Nicki Minaj we're talking about. So I'd take her out to eat yk allat good stuff then I'd get her some gifts then ask the question & I doubt she'll say no bc I see the way y'all look at each other she's definitely feeling you. But don't rush things with her, take it slow bc yk she still healing from her last relationship." Fah said. "Bet thank you Fah." I said. Papi came downstairs with his bag. "DADDYYYY." He said hugging me. "Hey son you ready to go?" I said. "Yes can we go see Ms Nicki?" He said. "We gotta call her first to see if she's up." I said.

I got in my car & ft Nicki. "Hey lil baby." I said. "hey rihmeekkkkk." She said all in the camera. "Why you all in the camera back up." I said laughing. "My bad I just got out the shower & I have my towel on." She said. "So? Put some clothes on." I said. "Boy don't act like that yk you wanna see what's under this towel." She said laughing. "I have papi with me." I said so she'd get the hint to not say nothing inappropriate. "NICKIIII." Papi yelled. "Hey baby, where you & daddy going?" She said. "Me no know, daddy said we have to call yu bc me wanted to see yu." He said in his baby voice. "Aww well y'all can stop by I'm not doing anything today I cleared my schedule." She said. "Aye papi give me my phone back... I wanna talk to my baby too." I whispered the last part. "I heard that Rihmeek." She said.

We talked until she had to go to the store. "Hey papi you hungry?" I said. "Yes daddy let's go to McDonald's." He said. "Ok." I said pulling in the parking lot. We got out & ate inside. I saw Nicki walk in but she didn't see us bc we was in the back booth. I texted her.

Rihmeek💕🤭- that Big Mac good? 😂

Nic 🥵💕- how tf yk & yes it's delicious actually 🙄😭

Rihmeek 💕🤭- turn around Nic

I saw her turn around & start smiling. She walked over to our booth & sat with Papi. "So rihmeek we stalking each other now?" She said laughing. "Nah Papi wanted to stop here, the question is what you doing here?" I said. "Well I actually saw your car parked outside & I decided to stop here but looks like y'all saw me first." She said. "Ms Nicki your pretty." Papi said laying on her. "Thank you baby boy." She said smiling. Look at his big headed ass tryna take my girl. "Daddy can we go to Skyzone?" Papi said. "Uhh later, I had plans with Nic today." I said. "Ouu can I go to Aunt Na house?" He asked. "Damn I shoulda left yo ass with yo mama." I said. "Rihmeek stop being mean." She said. "I'm just playing Papi but yeah I'll take you by Na house." I said.

We finished eating & I dropped Papi off. Nicki went home to get ready for our date. I'm taking her to Alpen Rose. I've been there before & it's really nice & romantic I just hope this night goes right. It's now 9 at night & im pulling up to nicki house. I knocked on the door & she came out looking beautiful as hell. "You look beautiful Nika." I said. "Thank you, you look good too rihmeek." She said blushing. "Let's go." I said opening the car door for her.

We arrived at the restaurant & I had it reserved so our seats were already ready. I also rented it out for 3 hours so no one was in there but us & the cooks. We were laughing, eating & having a good time until I decided to bring out the big surprise. "Nicki you know I love you right?" I said. "Yes & I love you too." She said looking confused. I signaled for the band to start playing & I took out the gifts I brought her. "Rihmeek..." she said. "You don't like it?" I said. "No I love it, it's just I never had anyone to be so genuine with me. I really love you." She said which gave me my cue to pop the question. Not gonna lie I was nervous as hell. "Nicki stop eating for like 5 minutes." I said laughing a little bc she was tearing that food up. She stopped eating & looked at me. "Alright ima get straight to the point. We been friends for a while now & I never had nobody to hold me down like you do, you was here for me when I was locked up & all. Every day I think about you & I know this is more than a friendship so with that being said." I said getting down on my knee. She gasped & started crying, "Onika will you be my girlfriend?" I said opening the box showing her the ring.

"Rihmeek y-." She said getting cut off by Safaree. "YOOOO WHAT THE FUCK GOING ON HERE." He said. "Omg get out Safaree. I thought you rented this out." Nicki said. I was so pissed right now. "I think you should get out." I said clenching my fist. "Or what." He said as I punched him dead in his face. "Nicki you just gone let him punch me like that." He said holding his bloody nose. "Safaree I never wanna see or hear from you again, I'm happy with Rihmeek & if you can't accept that then oh fucking well, but I'm not finna sit here & let you fuck my night up with rihmeek." She said.

I wasn't even in the mood to eat anymore so I paid & we left. We was now at her house watching movies. "Nic im sorry about that, I told them to not let anyone in." I said. "Its okay rihmeek you didn't know & im sorry that had to happen too. But I'm not gonna let that ruin our night so with that being said, I would love to be your girlfriend Rihmeek. I think ab us every day & every chance I get. I'm proud to be called your girlfriend." She said as she leaned in for a kiss. "Damn I can't believe you really my girl. I rmb I was telling my niggas ima get you one day & now look at us." I said. She just smiled and got on her phone.

We was watching the movie until I felt something wet on my arm. I looked over & saw Nic sleep & she was drooling on me. I recorded her & posted it, ik she gone be mad when she wake up but oh well the world gone know she mine now. I grabbed her phone & went to her contacts. I saw my name & changed it as "big daddy👅💍💕". I changed hers to "baby💍💕."

I played on her phone until she got a text from a unknown number. "I can fuck you better than that nigga." I read out loud. Must've been too loud cause Nic woke up. "FUCK WHO BETTER RIHMEEK." She yelled. I just stared at her & laughed bc of the way she jumped up. "Keep playing with me." She said. "Bae chill smb texted you that." I said. "Lemme see bc who tf playing on my phone this late at night." She said.

She looked at the message until I came up with an idea. "Baby text em back." I said as she looked at me crazy. "Uh no, I'm with you why would I want to give smb else my attention it's just one of them lil fuckboys anyways." She said blocking the number. "You right but don't you wanna know who it was?" I said. "No I'm going upstairs to take a shower, you staying." She said. "Yeah might as well." I said. "Oh I wasn't asking I was telling, ik you staying." She said. Damn she so bossy. "Ion even got no clothes." I said. "Yes you do look in that top dresser in my closet." She said. "Why you be stealing my clothes girl." I said as she laughed. I grabbed the clothes & I saw my hoodie. "& I want my damn hoodie back." I said. "Nooo but baby you gave it to meeee." She whined. "No I didn't you took it, but you can have it." I said.

We took a shower & got in the bed. I looked at Nicki & got happy again. Damn this can't be real. "Goodnight Rihmeek I love you." She said. "I love you too baby." I said kissing her before we eventually fell asleep.

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