Chapter 1

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"Cam will you please get in the car?" I asked for about the tenth time. She just started laughing. Cam was the complete opposite from me sometimes I even wondered why we were bestfriends in the first place.

"Cam get in the damn car now!" I yelled. She stopped laughing instantly and stared at me. "What did you say to me?" "Cam get in the car." I let out a frustrated sigh as she finally got in I buckle her up and hopped into the driver seat.

I took the familiar road down to her house I knew her parents wouldn't be home since their in Maimi for the weekend.

I helped her out if the car looking at all te other houses that were pitch black. I grabbed her waist and helped her to the door.

She hasn't said anything the whole car ride which was scaring me since when shes in this state she never stopped talking.

I set her on the couch and she locked eyes with me.
"Cam..?" She got up and lunged at me m body hit the coffee table and fell to to the floor. "Don't ever yell at me again Ashley!" She screamed at me.

I could feel the blood dripping down my four head. Suddenly weight was lifted off if me and I felt relief. I got up only to see Cam was gone. I was scared for my life I walked into her parents bedroom that was just off the living room.

I went over to her dads antique gun cabinet and grabbed a silver hand gun.
I made sure it was loaded and ready to go in case anything happened.

"Cam..?" I called as my breath shaked.
I walked into the kitchen to see her sitting down at the table drinking a purple liquid.

"Ash im sorry for attacking you I was just bei-" Her voice cracked and looked down to my hand.

"Cam.." I put down the gun and walked towards her "Calm down."
She ran towards the gun and picked it up and pointed it at me.

" you were just goig to shoot me?" She whimpered, tears were flowing down her face as she raised the gun to me.

I raced towards her and tried pointing the gun at the floor I grabbed it but she still had her hand wrapped around it.

Everything from there went in slow motion I gun shot went off and rung though my ears my vision became blurry and I stumbled back.

I realsed my grip on the gun and it dropped to the floor. Thr ringing stopped and I looked around until my eyes stopped on the body in front of me. there was blood pooling out from under her.

I couldn't talk her hair was matted with blood and her eyes held nothing.

Her lifeless body laid limo on the floor.
I ran to the phone and dailed 911.
"911 speaking what is your emergency?" the anomonous lady asked from the phone.

"My friends dead" I whispered in to the phone looking down at my feet noticing there was blood splattered on my clothing.

I sobbed loudly into the phone barely hearing 'help is on the way.'

I hung up the phone faster than the spend of light and croutched down to Cam.

I sobbed loudly and started pacing the door was kicked open and police officers started running in along with medical help.

They lifted her onto a roller and pushed he out of the room.
"Ma'am my name is deputy Rye will you please tell me what happened."

"Sh-she-she- she was drinking and I yelled at her to get in my car and she got mad and when we got back here she attacked me so I got a gun to defend my self and then I she took the gun and raised it to me and I-and-an-and-an" I started looking around the room frantically my mouth was dry and my vision started getting blurry.

"Ma'am did you shoot her?" A deputy asked
"Ma'am can you hear me?" My vision got darker and I slipped away landing on the tiled floor. I could smell the blood and hear the officers yelling.

When I woke up I was in a hospital bed and reality sunk in.

I shot my bestfriend.

Follow me on my Instagram g.o.0.d.v.i.b.3.s to get updates and specail looks of new Books im writing!

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