05. blood and hunger.

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you continued on with the tests with dottore

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you continued on with the tests with dottore. the entire day was full of nothing except for them. small reading comprehension tests, some "simple" math problems (they were not simple, he threw calculus at you,) writing prompts, and so on. the "tests" were similar to a day's work in a school building. you had recalled dottore mentioning something about "mental stimulants" which you thought were pills. not, this. 

you had expected him to give you a series of pills because .. he was a doctor, wasn't he? isn't that what doctors do? 

you had only found out he was a doctor because he told you so. though, you instantly assumed medical doctor rather than having a doctorate, which is what he had.  the tests took up the majority of your time, but dottore left you soon enough. 

he left you alone in the beige room. he had left a few books on the wooden table as he wanted you to read them, as if they were homework. some of the books were thicker than the others, easily over three hundred pages. the smallest one was a flimsy and broken in book. it was the type of book that you could shake between your hands and it would bend easily. which, allowed you to see the contents of the book.

there wasn't much else for entertainment you could do, so you were left with reading. the small flimsy book was mostly full of pictures. the pictures were bright and colorful like a children's book, only it ... wasn't a children's book by any means. some of the pictures were of human bodies being torn in two, show casing all of their organs - which were labeled. 

it was a ... twisted version of an anatomy book, yet, for some reason, the sight of the blood caused you to grow hungry. the imagery of the blood looked so ... delicious to you and the organs .. oh the organs. the organs looked the best. they're so red and plump, and ... juicy. 

your nails dug into the pages that contained the most amount of blood. small cuts were forming on the pages from how rough you were gripping them. it had gotten so bad to where the page with the heart being ripped out, was ripped out. your hand clenched the page and it was as if your body was moving on its own. 

you had no idea as to why you were reacting the way you were. you had never reacted this way before, not even to the sight of your own blood when dottore would sliced into you. he would use a scalpel to slice into your skin and you never grew this hungry. your stomach never growled like how it did now. your stomach never ... experienced sharp pains. 

you hugged your knees to your chest as you curled yourself into a ball. your stomach felt as if it had just been stabbed with the amount of pain you were undergoing. 

while this was all going on, you had zero idea that dottore had never truly left you alone. he was standing outside your chamber's door, watching your pain and agony. 

you couldn't sleep at night

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you couldn't sleep at night. your body wouldn't allow you to rest, and it became annoying as dottore shined bright lights into your eyes, the following day. he had instructed you to follow the light's movements with your eyes and you did so easily. just the sight of the bright lights into your irises caused a headache to form in your head.

  "you seem fine," he sighed, pressing his arms tightly across his chest after he had shut the light off. he was only doing these small tests due to your complaints, "why couldn't you sleep, l/n?"

  "..stomach hurt." 

  "your stomach hurts? god," he groaned as he gestured for you to lie down on the table.

your bare back pressed against the metal table; in the mornings, dottore would often instruct you to take of your shirt so he could view the previously inflicted wounds he created on your body. they had all healed, of course. your body had this strange habit of healing itself at a much faster rate than those around you - though, it came at a price, as all things do. for each wound that would heal, your body would feel heavier and heavier, until you would inevitably fall asleep. 

dottore's hand pressed down on your stomach roughly, earning a loud groan of displeasure to escape your lips. he didn't particularly mind that you were in pain, he just wished to find the cause of it. 

   "l/n, yesterday after i left, you tore up pages of a book and curled into a ball, why?" he asked as his hands moved around your abdomen. his fingers continued to poke and prod away at your intestinal region, before they moved their way up your chest to where your stomach is located. 


  "you were hungry? did the book make you hungry?" 


   "the blood book?"


   "hm," escaped dottore's lips in pleasure. you observed his movements as he made his way over to a glass cabinet. his slowly opened it and took a small, glass, vial of blood into his hands. your eyes slowly widened at the sight of the liquid, as you could feel your stomach starting to stab you again. you had to have it. you needed it. 

   "drink," dottore ordered. he pulled the cork of the vial off and placed the edge of the glass to your lips. the blood poured into your mouth slowly and you savored each second of it.

the pain in your body slowly eased the more he allowed you to drink. the blood tasted metallic, in a sweet way. the taste was refreshing like water on a hot day after endless activities. you could feel your hunger slowly subduing as he let you finish the vial. 

    "interesting," he grinned as he look down at you. he removed the vial from your lips and tossed it aside, causing the glass to shatter once it made contact with the harsh surface it landed on, "i always had my doubts about you, but this. this confirms it. 

   you're a stupid fucking vamp."

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