10. zander's demise.

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tw ; graphic description of death, s/a talk, gore, all that shit

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tw ; graphic description of death, s/a talk, gore, all that shit.

dottore knew that he had to tie up his loose end. it was inevitable and it would most likely force to feel closer with him, alongside all of his "flirting." he's never been a patient man, especially not one that was willing to put up with certain things. this was one of those things.

he's a scientist at heart. he spends all of his time withering away in his labs and office; often burying himself on his work. if someone were to say, mess up one of his experiments, it would infuriate him. that's the exact line zander had overstepped, he had caused issues with the 2nd of the fatui harbingers. one that could kill dragons with his bare hands and even rival the gods.

he made his way through the halls of his section of the great palace. the great palace is the place where all of the harbingers gathered for "important meetings" and where most of the dirty work was done. dottore's personal section, granted to him by pierro and the tsaritsa, is one of those dirty work sections. it's about a three story section, however, most of the floors are underground (basement and sub-basement,) which left the top floor to be where all of his little ... segments rested.

the base floor was also where dottore resided. it's just a long corridor with about five or so rooms spewing off of it. one of those was what connected that section to rest of the palace.

his walking pace was quick and with long strides.  he wanted this to be over with quickly, as he hasn't got the time for such trivial things. but his rage was intense and similar to that of a thousand sun's supernovas. his data is the most important thing to him. he needed clear and precise results; and now he had to succumb to such trivial tactics, such as pointless flirting, to get data. he would have to flirt with you just so he wouldn't alert pierro in his reports with records of a sudden "depressive mood." 

all of dottore's reports went straight to his superior, pierro. pierro had specifically demanded that would start when kunikuzushi, a fellow harbinger, was under his care. dottore, of course, had thought it was the stupidest decision pierro could rule. but he was in no position to cause shit with him, the first of the harbingers. 

oh, how he was going to enjoy this. he was going to enjoy seeing zander's blood in his hands, seeing his beating organs pulsating out of his body. after all, the human heart could continue to beat without brain function for 72 hours. and those 72 hours would be pure bliss for dottore. 

he used his hand to forcefully push open zander's room. it's a room that zander shared with the other two main segment's of dottore - zandium and zandice. it's a plain and poorly decorated room, of course, dottore didn't care for any of his clones. he would simply just make more if it were needed. 

zander stood over his bed, humming to himself about some idiotic thing dottore couldn't force himself to care for. the sound of the door slamming against the wall was enough for zander to become startled, jump, and turn himself around to face dottore.

  "sir, why are you so mad-?" zander slurred quickly. his hands began to tremble as he did so. his eyes were widened at the sight of prime, the doctor, dottore, standing before him in such a manner. 

 "what do you think, zander? let's talk, shall we?" dottore hummed as he slammed the room's door shut. the slam probably echoed throughout the halls, alerting who ever may be near by, but he could care less, "my data. 067. this was your last fuck up, zander." 

  "no, sir, i didn't do anything, 067 came onto me," zander fumbled his words.

  "i didn't mention anything about that, now did i?" 


  "shut up," dottore spoke harshly as his fingers gripped onto zander's chin. he applied enough pressure to the jaw as he slipped off his mask with the other hand to cause some discomfort to the other man, "we're going to solve this little issue, kay?"

zander kept his mouth shut, as instructed, but the look on his face said everything. his eye brows were turned upwards and his lips were tightly pressed shut. tears poked at the corner of his eyes as small whines escaped his lips. dottore, then, wrapped one of his around zander's throat. his hand applied pressure to the front of the throat, causing damage to the esophagus. the pain was enough to allow zander's tears to freely fall down his face.

then there was the kick to the knee. 

the kick had a heavy enough impact to cause the knee to bend backwards, with loud cracking sounds. a cry of pain shot out of zander's mouth as tears violently streamed down his face. the pain in his knee forced him onto them.

  "now, isn't this interesting?" dottore hummed at the sight of zander on his knees before him. he removed his hand from around his throat the moment he fell and in turn used to grip onto his hair, "i bet you enjoyed seeing others like this, haven't you? how disgraceful, ruining my data for your own gratification."

  "i'm sorry.. i'm sorry, please, zandik-" zander pleaded with him, or better, attempted to. he kept mumbling about how sorry he is for causing dottore's data to be "invalid".

  "do you fucking know how many months worth of data that invalidates? hm?" dottore hummed as his foot was brought to zander's face, shattering his nose. blood poured from his nostrils as the nose bended towards the left at the contact, "now i have to fucking flirt with him to get him to do anything for me and to keep up the little charade you fucking started. y'know, his fucking family is the last bloodline of his species. not a big deal that i get accurate data or anything, no, of course not! of course, you can go and just fuck my patient! do as you please!" 

whimpers were all that escaped zander's mouth as dottore wouldn't allow him any opportunity to speak. anytime a sound escaped his lips that resembled a word, dottore would make his fist connect with zander's face. the first time it was the left cheek. the second, the mouth and teeth - which knocked a few out and into his throat. the third, and final time, was to the right eye.

the teeth falling back into zander's caused him to gag at first, though it didn't cause anything else, much to dottore's displeasure. dottore wanted to see him choke on his own teeth, his own blood. it would've been quite satisfying to the man, but alas, zander didn't.

as the beating progressed, dottore had found himself growing tired of the meaningless beating and the annoying sobs from zander; so, he grabbed the lamp that was on the small nightstand beside zander's bed. his hands gripped onto the base of it as he used his foot to push zander on his back. 

he shifted a majority of his weight onto zander's rib cage, feeling satisfied with himself once he heard a "snap" coming from the pressure. blood slowly pooled into zander's mouth, causing him to gasp as he choked on his own blood from the - probably - broken ribs piercing into something. the ribs could've pierced into just about anything, his lungs, arteries, other major blood vessels and organs - it all depended on which one broke. 

dottore brought the glass lamp down onto zander's head quickly, allowing it to shatter upon direct impact. the shards of glass from the lamp stuck into zander's face and caused small cuts to form near his hairline and facial features. a few of them even managed to get into his eyes, causing the veins in his eyes to burst and for his sclera to turn bright red.

it could only be a few more moments before zander would die a painful death and dottore left him alone in the room to die a slow, painful death. 

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