Killing Spiders

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I bought a little cabin for cheap. I was shocked at the price. The little cabin was on quite a large chunk of land, 20 acres to be exact. The little cabin had 2 bedrooms and 1.5 bathrooms. I had wondered why it was so cheap, the previous owner's answer was that there was a spider problem. I wondered what was so wrong with that, then I saw it myself. Every now and then a giant spider web would appear. It was a pain to destroy, though I found that if I mixed bleach and water the spider web would dissolve. Though it started getting annoying when my dogs would bark in the middle of the night. I found out what made my dogs bark and what was making those giant webs. I was shocked, but then I was angered when I watched the giant being kill one of my dogs. The dog was still a puppy, barely one. They didn't know better not to go for something bigger than itself. I had to kill that being for sure.


I saw that thing fight with something similar to it. Though the other being looked more humanoid, and the humanoid was accompanied by a teen. I watched as the humanoid, whose name I found out was Arcee, fought against the giant spider, whose name was Airachnid. It seems like I could do damage to Airachnid, I just had to figure out how and with what. There seemed to be some type of energy that Arcee had that could shoot out of the being body and it seemed to chip away at Airachnid. So whatever was shooting out of Arcee wasn't enough. I had to find away, I just didn't know what exactly.


I had an idea. A plan even. Now I just had to hope it worked. I loaded the handmade gun. The ammunition was filled with chlorine bleach. I would shoot the ammo into the lower part of the spider. I had to make sure to shoot close to the spinnerets. This would make it guaranteed that Airachnid could not use their webs. I hoped I would be correct, cause if I was not, I would most likely die. I sighed as I gathered all of the things I would be using. Now all I had to do is find Airachnid.


I hadn't seen the being for quite a few months. I couldn't complain too much, if I saw Airachnid again I would go in for the kill. Something about tonight though, had me walking around, looking. Something told me tonight would be the night. I couldn't go to sleep with this feeling being so strong. It was like something was grabbing my gut. So I got my dog, Cerberus, and put him on his leash. I grabbed the piece of metal I had found after the fight between Arcee and Airachnid and let Cerberus sniff it. The dog was quick to move and I was quick to follow. It seems like the trail Cerberus found was fresh.

As I get closer I hear the sound of firing. It looks like my gut was right. There was Airachnid and two others. They seemed to be fighting against the two others. One's face they had and the other humanoid was coming at them with some pretty good fire power. I was quick to stop Cerberus and I kept going forward. I made my way towards the one whose face was covered, hoping to help. Though I needed to keep my distance. I was glad some of the ammunition I had made was 'soft' pellets. I unload the harder bullet and put in one of the pellets. I shot the pellet on the being face. Once in contact the webbing melted away. The being seemed confused but then looked back towards Airachnid as they fought the other being. I also made my way towards the other being. Doing my best to stay out of sight. I watched as Airachnid webbed the bigger humanoid onto a tree. Though the humanoid got one more shot in and knocked down the tree Airachnid was on, causing them to fall into another tree. I noticed that one of Airachnid's limbs had fallen off, good. I watch as the other being comes running up and starts shooting Airachnid. Though the being leaves the other one behind. Though this allows me to know the runner's name, Breakdown. Such an odd name. Though I focus on the one who is stuck to the tree. I take one of my soft pellets and load it up and shoot it towards the webbing. I had to shoot a few of my pellets to get a good bit of the webbing off. Once done, I realize the being is looking right at me, oh dear. Luckily the being seems to want to catch up with Breakdown and they run after Breakdown. I sighed in relief at that and my attention was back on the leg of Airachnid. I ran towards it, realizing how big it was to me. I grab the leg and am quick to follow after both beings. I notice that there is blue fluorescent liquid on the ground. I notice it is the same at the end of Airachnid's leg. I guess that was what their blood looked like. I noticed that I some how passed the other being, seeing that they were now behind me. Not sure how I did that, then again it has been a while since I had run this fast. I came upon Breakdown and Airachnid, and it is so obviously a trap. I grip onto the leg harder and run towards Airachnid. Airachnid was too focused on the fact that they had Breakdown right in their trap, that they didn't notice me coming full speed towards them. If I remembered right, I had seen her try to kill Arcee by stabbing towards the chest. So I guess their chest would be a weakness. I noticed a perfectly placed symbol where I would be stabbing, so that was where I was gonna aim. I drew the leg back and once I was in reach I stabbed the leg forward. Though the leg didn't do much. Shit. I knew Airachnid would now know that I am there so once I looked up, I took the leg and stabbed right for their eye instead. I mean the eye was also a weak point, right. I mean, Mr. I-have-fallen-right-into-a-trap had seemed to have lost an eye. I almost wasn't able to stab Airachnid in the eye, I got the corner of their eye though. Airachnid seeing I was there went to move out of the way, though they also sent a blow my way. I felt the air get knocked out of my legs as my back slammed into a tree. I let out a horrible groan. I think my back might be broken now, well ain't that great. I moved my fingers a bit, well, at least I could do that. I could hear the shots being fired from the other being as I sat there still out of breath. Well, at least they were there now. Wait, I hadn't used my ammo to stop Airachnid from using their webs. I forced myself to move and grab for my gun. I was grateful that it had not broken in the impact. I loaded up the hard bullets and went to aim. Airachnid was moving alot, it was hard to shoot, but then there was a moment when they got cocky. I took aim and shot. I grinned when I saw the bullet hit. Airachid cried out when the bullet hit them. They then turned themself towards me. I felt my smile drop, oh dear. I felt the adrenaline running through my veins, I had to move. Airachnid made their way towards me and I was quick to move. I barely moved out of the way in time. I went into a full on sprint and kept running. I realized I had dropped their leg and I groaned at my stupidity. Looks like my weapons would have to do. I quickly whipped around a tree and went to load my gun once more. I luckily was able to load it again when Airachnid finally came around the tree. I took the shot, aiming right for their other eye. Before I could be grabbed I was quick to move again. I could tell that my shot hit because I could hear Airachnid's cry of anger again. I once again slid behind a tree. I once again was quick to load my gun. I peaked out from behind the tree and saw that Airachnid was quite a bit behind. I was gonna make sure the spider died tonight, even if it meant that I would too. I drew closer and took aim. I would aim at their head once more and fired. This time the bullet went completely through their eye socket. I could see through the hole to the otherside of the spider. The spider cried out once more.

They started their way towards me, screaming out, "I will kill you!" I'd love to see them try.

"Dreadwing, they're over here," I hear Breakdown shout. So the other being's name was Dreadwing, once again such an odd name. I could hear them both make their way towards me and Airachnid. I was quick to load my gun once more. The click sound caught Airachnid's attention and they quickly made their way towards me. I quickly dodged behind a tree. Covering my mouth and watching as Airachnid felt around trying to find me. I froze as they got closer to me, I almost gasped when they almost got a hold of me, almost. Though Airachnid was shot away by the one called Dreadwing. I held my chest as Airachnid screamed out once more. I quickly got moving towards where the shot came from. As far as I knew, I was safer with Breakdown and Dreadwing then when I was with Airachnid. I could hear Airachnid try to come after me only for them to be shot away by Dreadwing over and over again. Once I was far enough away from Airachnid, I turned around and took aim once more. I planned on killing them, and that plan had not changed yet. This time I aimed for the shoulder joints. They were pretty exposed, and if they were gonna be dead, they had no need for them. I pulled the trigger once the aim locked on. I was quick to load once more and aimed for the other shoulder. Pulling the trigger as fast as I could. I had missed the first shot, so I had to take it once more. Airachnid cried out once more and tried to make their way towards me and Dreadwing. Breakdown started shooting at Airachnid and I continued to shoot. Airachnid was not able to make it up to us, before they stopped moving. I sighed in relief. Though I imminently looked up at the other two. I suddenly didn't feel too safe anymore, they seemed to both be looking at me. Something told me to run. I instead stood up and brushed my legs off and walked towards the now deceased Airachnid. I felt accomplished, I now did not have to worry about the giant spider anymore. I looked over the giant spider and decided nothing was worth keeping. I looked back towards the other two and saw that they were looking at me. I also noticed that they seemed to be talking in a language I did not understand. That motion sent a shiver down my spine and I felt that I should get away while I could. I did so. I started walking past them. Though Dreadwing turned towards me, that sent me into panic mode and I was quick to run. I continued to run until I made it back to Cerberus, who was now looking at me oddly. I smiled at the dog and patted his head. I took his leash back up and we quickly made our way back home. I felt the tiredness hit me once I was in the door, I also felt a lot of pain I had not felt before. Though I was too tired to care. I guess I would have to go to the doctor's tomorrow, but that was for tomorrow.


"How did you break and fracture your bones in such a way," I heard my friend, who was a doctor, shout at me as they looked at my x-rays. I laughed a bit.

"It's not something to laugh at," they said once again. I nodded.

"Now, please tell me how you did this?," they asked. I smiled and crossed my arms.

"Killing spiders."

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