Chapter 1:

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It was just an average day at The Titans Tower, or maybe just an average morning.... Either way.

Beastboy was in his room, having been up for hours, choosing the perfect outfit for the day. It was early morning. Maybe 4:00 or so. At the moment, he was looking for a top to go with his black skinny jeans.
Meanwhile, Terra was curled up in her bed, not sleeping, but thinking. Thinking and looking up at the stars above her bed that the Titans had worked so hard to put up for her. She made a promise to herself- that she loved it here, and she would never leave again.
Beast boy was still having trouble with his outfit. He let out a deep sigh. "Ugh! I have NO clothes! I definitely need to go shopping..." He murmured before flopping on to his bed.
Terra reached her hand up to gently brush the stars, before letting it fall back on to her chest with a thud. She groaned. "If I can't sleep, I might as well get up." She thought.
"Hmm... Maybe I should just wear different pants..." Gar thought. He had been working very hard on this outfit. He laughed to himself. "Gar, you are sooo stupid."
Terra swung her legs out of the bed, looking like a total wreck as she walked into the kitchen. Her hair was everywhere- sticking up at odd angles, and her baggy PJ T-shirt was old, ugly, and stained. She stretched and yawned, and then poured herself a bowl of sugary cereal- a great way to start the day.

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