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Edgar Allan Poe was never much of a believer in love. He believed that love only existed in the novels he used to read, or the movies that represented them.

The whole point of loving and being loved seemed quite foolish to him, he was used to isolation, it had been adequate enough for him, having himself as his only companion throughout life—and of course, his dear friend, Karl—as pathetic as it might sound, it was good enough for him.

That is- until he met a certain detective, who made his world shine much brighter than it ever was.

He knows he's being a real sap, but it's only the truth.

Starting off as rivals, Edgar never expected to fall for the detective, he had spent six years plotting his revenge for the man for goodness' sake, but here he is.

Staring all lovingly at the only person who could make him feel as if the world is owned by them, and only them.

Sitting on the couch of his living room, with Ranpo beside him, his journal sitting on his lap forgotten, the light of the fireplace reflects on Ranpo's features, Edgar thinks it makes him more attractive, he was already perfect as he is, but under the light of the moonlight coming from the open windows, and the sparks of fire brightening up the dark living room of his apartment, their apartment,

Edgar thinks that the word perfect isn't enough to describe how he is.

"-rth to Ed! Hey!" Ranpo waves a hand rapidly in front of his face, Edgar blinks a couple times, he must've zoned out earlier, he thinks.

/No you weren't. You were staring at Ranpo./

That little gremlin in his head reminds him, he clears his throat before saying-

"Ah, sorry, must've zoned out. You were saying?" Ranpo looks at him, pouting just slight, Edgar's heart almost explodes at the sheer cuteness of the sight.

"No you weren't. You were staring at me." the other repeats his thoughts, he tilts his head slightly, traces of a smirk forming in his lips.

His very kissable lips.

Edgar chokes, both at the statement and the goddamn thoughts running around his mind. He feels his cheeks starting to burn, he knows he must look foolish right now, but he can't find it in himself to care.

Because right now, Ranpo is smiling at him, beaming brighter than the sun itself.

"You were staring at me!" Ranpo laughs, the sound itself making Edgar's stomach do cartwheels, whipped, he hears Lucy's voice echoing in his mind.

As much as he loved the sound of his laugh, Edgar couldn't help but lean down to press his lips onto his and make him shut up.

Ranpo's laughter changes into a muffled noise as Edgar's lips touches his, trapping him in his arms, a hand reaches up to tuck some strands of hair behind Ranpo's ear, he feels how the touch makes the other shiver, he smiles against Ranpo's lips and pulls away just slight.

"So what if I was?" he whispers, he feels his breath ghost over Ranpo's lips. The room is quiet, except for the slight pants of breath both of them lets out, Edgar could practically hear both their heartbeats beating loudly, as if trying to escape their chests.

He looks at his lover completely, the light of the fireplace reflecting Ranpo's face, making him even more beautiful than he already is. Ranpo's eyes are wide open, revealing emerald irises staring back at him.

Edgar feels a smile on his lips, then a jab at his side.

He curls on himself on instinct, letting out a soft grunt from the slightest pain.

Ranpo moves away from the arms caging him in, that bright smile taking its place in his lips once again, he throws a stray pillow to Edgar's direction, the other catching it at the last moment.

"I've deduced that you are being incredibly flirty right now." Ranpo stands behind the kitchen counter, still laughing uncontrollably.

Edgar stands up with a smile, making his way to the counter where Ranpo stands,

"You've deduced correctly, Mr. Detective." he reaches for Ranpo, but the other moves before Edgar could get a hold of his sleeve, Ranpo lets out a noise of victory, but the moment only lasts for a few seconds before a pillow hits him in the face.

Edgar laughs, but quickly runs away when Ranpo picks up the pillow to hit him back, he stumbles and trips over air, just a moment before Ranpo catches him, their bodies clash together, making them fall, he puts a hand behind Ranpo's head on instinct.

They hit the floor with a thud, and a quiet 'oomf' sound from Edgar, whom Ranpo used as a mattress to catch his fall, they both laugh breathlessly as they lay on the floor. Its these types of moments where Edgar wishes it would last forever, although if he were being honest, every moment he spends with Ranpo makes him want to stop time and let the moment last until eternity itself comes to an end.

Ranpo lifts his head from where it rests on Edgar's chest, his face is flushed with the slightest pink from laughing, he reaches a hand up to brush Edgar's hair away from his face and leans down to kiss him.

Edgar doesn't budge, only wraps his arms around Ranpo's waist to pull the other closer to him, after some moments Karl makes his way towards them, taking place beside them, Ranpo pulls away with a chuckle.

Ranpo looks at him, "As I was saying, I ran out of snacks." he says, Edgar is confused for a second, before he remembers, that must've been what Ranpo was saying when he was zoning out (read: staring at Ranpo) earlier.

"I could've sworn I just bought a new batch just yesterday." Edgar mutters, which earns him a soft smack in the head from Ranpo.

"Well, Karl ate them all!" he claims, Karl makes a noise which sounds a lot like he was offended, Edgar laughs at his boyfriend's antics, and promises to buy snacks tomorrow.

Later that night, they lay on their shared bed as Edgar types away in his laptop.

"Edgaaaaaarr!" Ranpo whines beside him, not unlike a child. Edgar smiles slightly, taking a sip from the tea sitting on the night table.

"A moment, dear, I'm almost done."

"That's what you said five minutes ago!"

Edgar chuckles softly from his lover's childlike antics, he really can't say no to him when he's like this. He quickly saves his work and shuts down his laptop, turning around to see Ranpo already waiting for him.

"Finally! Now cuddle." Ranpo makes grabby hands at him, he lays beside his lover and wraps his arms around him, the other snuggles into his arms, sighing in content.

Edgar slides a hand behind Ranpo's head, kneading his hair gently, after a few moments he feels the other's breathing go steady, he guesses Ranpo must've fallen asleep.

Under the light of the moon, with Ranpo in his arms, Edgar smiles fondly, content with the position he's gotten himself into.

"I love you." he whispers to the man in his arms, knowing he might not hear him, but he finds that he does not care. The stars being the only witness of their moment, he falls asleep, whether from the exhaustion of today's events or the faint beating of his lover's heart.

Edgar Allan Poe was never much of a believer in love, until he met a certain detective.

The whole point of loving and being loved seemed foolish to him, but when it came to loving one Edogawa Ranpo, it still seemed foolish, though, he finds that he had become quite a fool himself.


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