The Sick Book Tag!

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1) Diabetes - a book too sweet, like really sweet.

Between the Lines by Samantha van Leer and Jodi Picoult. I don't like romance but this was just the sweetest book ever! 

2) Chicken Pox - a book you've read once, and will never pick up again.

Switched by Amanda Hocking. I really didn't like this book. I read the second book, Torn and I have the third Ascend. I read Torn but I'm not sure if I'll ever get around to reading Ascend. 

3) Influenza - a contagious book that spreads like a virus

Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan. No words can describe my feelings for this book. 

4) The Cycle - a book you read every month, year or often. 

The Forbidden Games by LJ Smith. Saying Harry Potter be too predictable. I got The Forbidden Games for Christmas a few years ago from one of the mum's friends and I love it!

5) Insomnia - A book that kept you up all night

Divergent by Veroncia Roth. Again no words can describe my feelings for this book.

6) Amnesia - a book that's forgotten and failed to leave a powerful impression in your memory.

The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky. Don't judge me! I'll probably end up re-reading it this year.

7) Asthma - A book that took you're breath away

Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins

8) Malnutrition - A book that lacked food for thought

Matched by Ally Condie. Nothing happened. -_- 

9) Travel Sickness - a book that took you on a journey through time and space

Tigers Curse by Colleen Houck

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