Chapter 1

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Move, Ellie move! Don't just stand there do something! He needs help desperately, if you just stand there and witness this atrocity without doing anything then you're just as guilty. If he, this poor helpless stranger, dies it's on you because your interference could make all the difference. But if I touch him....if I touch him the pain will come back and stronger than ever; it will drain me. No! I can't bear the thought of human interaction or the sense of dread that comes with mere touch. God only knows what's going through that head of his and I know I don't want to think the same. Oh God, he's going to jump off! "WAIT! Please, hold on think about this!" His head snapped to the side, blood-shot eyes meeting mine in a frantic gaze. "Listen" I took a shaky step forward, "I don't know you and I definitely don't know what you've gone through that can make you ever want to take away your life, but please, just step away from the ledge and help me try to understand." His head returned to face the point, staring down into the dizzying pit that awaited his helpless form. I could see his feet shuffling forward, the edge of his toes already hanging off unsupported. "Don't do this. Think of all the people down there who will witness this, think of your family, but most of all think of yourself! Is this really what you want? Because I don't think it is." This had him looking back at me again, his muddled expression holding a newly attained questioning glance. His eyes locked onto mine, prodding at my mind, begging to know why I cared, why I wanted to help. Hesitantly, I took another step towards him, resisting the urge to reach out my hand for his grasp. "I don't think you want this because deep down you, somewhere in your subconscious you know this isn't right; this isn't what you want. There are twelve stories in this building; you're only on the fourth. If you had really wanted to end it all you would've gone up higher, ensured that your fall would've guaranteed the end of it all. But you didn't. If you jump from here you could just make this dark, twisted mess you're in even worse! There's a huge chance this fall won't kill you. You'd probably end up disabled, mentally instable, or dying a slow and painful death all wrapped up in the sickly white of the hospital. Is that what you want?" His mouth sputtered open and close as if he were trying to form the words to many incoherent thoughts in his mind, but he failed, unable to express his mental battles."This only proves that you are depressed tired of your life even, but that doesn't mean you should give it away. Your life is a gift, no matter how bad, and you only get it once! Please just think about this and talk to me. I'm here for you, you are strong enough to get through this!'' I screamed at the young lad who was on the ledge. He hesitated and leaned forward, perching himself like a bird preparing for flight. "NO!" I screamed, shooting up in bed, my entire form shaking. My body glistened with sweat in the dim light of the moon filtering in from my window. I wiped the stray tears that made their belated descent down my face. It was just a dream, I thought, It was just a dream. I shook off the odd sensation in my gut as those five words filled my mind. It was just a dream. I let my body succumb to the comforting words, falling back into a dark, dreamless abyss. All the while wondering why I felt such a strong connection towards that young stranger and who he could possibly be.

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