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I just wanted to say from the bottom of my heart a massive thank you to you reading this. This story started from a procrastinating re-watch of Teen Wolf during my first year university exams. And I've now since finished university. And despite having finished about 95% of this story during said finals week (in which, I apologise for any and all misspells and inconsistencies - John Stilinksi who?) I uploaded like I was the tortoise. 

Except the tortoise took a year long nap and disappeared off the face of the world.

Thank you for all the comments, votes, messages and love. I've been a reader my whole life and now that I'm on the flipside, I can truly vouch and say that all the feedback does mean the world. 

Thank you for checking up on me when I went MIA. Thank you for your patience, commitment and grace during that period. 

I had written the last chapter with an idea of a Tomei/Klaus spinoff. However, I don't think it fair to lie and say that I think that will get written. Times change, interests change and I can't see myself committing to that. 

That being said, I will endeavour to finish spiders. I'm too emotionally invested in Fev to let her go just yet. 

These words aren't enough to express the sheer gratitude I have in you, my dear reader, having taken all this time read everything I have written. Fanfic has been such a big part of my life and even though it's not considered as 'great literature' I know the joys it can bring. For me to have done that for someone else is enough to make me die happy. 

Have a wonderful day. Have a wonderful life. 


- M

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