alien story titles

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alien story titles

— humans are weird

— help from above

— creatures from the sky

— a cloud, a ufo

— the ( boy / girl) from the space

— hunting of the aliens

— the missing spacecraft

— into the moon

— the missing astronaut

— the people of stars

— scared of the cloud

— the clone

— the extraterrestrial

— the other universe

— we are not alone

— they are watching us

— finding them

— project: stop the invasion

— the missing people of earth

— the mystery of mars

— they don't belong here

— the light from above

— scream from the sky

— so high, so low

— project: kill them

— monsters of the sky

— creatures from the star

— the clone planet

— the great mystery of the unknown body

— little feet

— the day the invasion ( started / ended )

idea: book 1- the day the invasion started, book 2- the day the invasion ended

— cry from the moon

— an astronaut's nightmare

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2023 ⏰

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