⁕ Mermaid Story Titles ⁕

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✻ Mermaid Story Titles

[ 100 / 200 / 300 / any number ] Days In Land

➳ Falling In Love With The Mermaid

➳ My Mr. Mermaid

➳ The Mermaid's [ Tail / Heart / Voice / etc. ]

➳ The Ocean's [ Princess / Queen / Girl ]

➳ Into The [ Deep ] Sea

➳ Gills and Tails

[ The ] Boat Of Dreams

➳ Like The Ocean Waves

➳ Meet Me At The [ Sea / Ocean / etc. ]

➳ When It Sinks In

➳ The Fish Tail

➳ Unconscious Minds

➳ Boat of Love

➳ The Mermaid's Song

➳ Inside The Deep [ Sea / Ocean ]

➳ The [ Black / Silver / Golden / etc. ] Tails

➳ Water Heals

➳ The Waiting

➳ The First Mermaid

➳ The Sky Above

➳ The Hidden Kingdom

➳ Swim

➳ They Exist

➳ I Trust You

➳ Cold Water

➳ Ocean [ Currents / Waves ]

➳ Meet [ You / Him / Her ]  Again

➳ Seashells

➳ Dive To The [ Deep ] [ Ocean / Sea / etc. ]

➳ The Sailing

➳ Waves

➳ The Creatures In The [ Ocean / Sea / River ]

➳ The Ocean's Heart

➳ The Storm's Eye

➳ The Mermaid's [ Sweet ] Voice

➳ In That Day

➳ I Won't Let Go

➳ Sailing Across The [ Ocean / Bermuda Triangle / Mariana Trench / etc. ]

➳ The Pirate's Love

➳ The Pirate and The Mermaid

➳ Captain [Name of your character, ex; Captain Devacroux ]

➳ Until We Meet Again Captain

➳ The Mermaid's Lover

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