this is what hell looks like (to me)

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When Quinn dies, and she doesn't make it into heaven (because, let's be serious, who does?), and she ends up in hell, she's going to find herself sitting in the library in her castle, at her mother's
'Acquainting party'

It's so loud. Rachel Berry, well, every time she opens her mouth, Quinn can feel her ears die a little bit more each time. As for Sugar Motta, her voice is a special kind of unbearable.

Apart from that, her day is going great.

But seriously. How is this, in any way, enjoyable for any of the people here? She does a quick run down of the guests, and profiles them in her head.

Brittany- Quinn's best friend
Tina- Quinn's friend
Kurt- Quieter, seems nice. Friends with Blaine
Blaine- confident, seems nice, friends with Kurt
Sugar- loud. Obnoxious. tries too hard to be funny
Finn- not a lot going on in his head. Spends his whole time staring at Rachel
Rachel- loud. attention seeker. Starts every sentence with "well, I think". Keeps looking over to see if Finn is starting at her.
Arthur- called 'artie' by the others. appears to be in love with Brittany (poor boy)
Marley- the quietest of them all. Seems to know Brittany from somewhere, and is sitting with her.

There's someone missing. Quinn is sure there was ten people on the list. And, of course, the tenth person is the one she thinks she remembers . Unless she's just making it up, and her brain is finally giving up on her.

She's positioned herself in the corner of the room, so she can watch without being disturbed. Which is why she's not expecting someone to appear beside her.

"Hey." A familiar voice says. Quinn turns around to see Santana sitting down in the chair next to her. Thank god.
"Hi, how are you?"
"Good. You?"
"Miss Holliday just gave me a tour of the castle. How do you not get lost?"
"I've lived here for sixteen years, I can just about manage it. However, I always carry around some breadcrumbs, in case I find myself walking in circles. It's a tried and tested method."
"You would recommend?"

"I like your earrings, by the way." Quinn says. Santana instinctively reaches up to fiddle with her gold hoops.
"Really? I thought they looked tacky."
"No, they're kind of cool. How many do you have, all together? Piercings, I mean."
"Uhm, twelve or thirteen, I think. Wait, fourteen. Yeah, I got one on my birthday, so it's fourteen."
"Wow. Do your parents mind?"
"My abuela says that as long as my ears don't fall off, I'm okay to get as many as I like."
"She sounds fun."
"She's a scary lady, my abuela."

Santana takes a second, to survey the room. She notices something almost straight away.
"If you don't mind me asking, why are you sitting away from everyone else?" She asks.
Quinn shrugs.
"I don't really know them."
"Isn't that the whole point of this? To get to know others?"
"Yes, but they already know each other. I know Brittany and Tina."
"Brittany's your best friend, right?"
"Yes. Wait, how did you know that?"
"There is nothing my aunt loves more than a magazine on the royals. She probably knows more about your family than you do."
"And you read the magazines as well?"

Quinn is sure that Santana blushes. But she's not going to say anything.
"Sometimes. Or I use them to block the bottom of the doors, and stop a draught getting in."
"Or read them."
"Quinn, you are the only person I have ever admitted that to."
"Don't worry, your secret is safe with me."
"I'm going to go now. Miss Holliday said I could come and see you, just to check in, and then I'm to meet her to tour the staff quarters."
"Remember the breadcrumbs." Quinn says, receiving a short thumbs up from Santana in return, before she leaves the room.

Santana was correct. Everyone else in the room have moved together, and are grouped together. Most people sit in chairs, and a few lean on the bookshelves. They talk to each other, probably exchanging stories about themselves and learning facts about the person beside them.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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