Coke coke coke coke coke coke coke coke coke coke coke

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Juyeon pants as he leads the final warm-up before the end of practice. He needs to work his hardest to help his team make it to Nationals.

"Hike those knees up higher, boys!" His coach shouts at his exhausted teammates, who are tired and covered head-to-toe in sweat. They comply anyhow, and start putting in a smidge more of effort.

"Juyeon!" He calls him. Juyeon lifts his head and jogs over to the head coach. "Listen, Juyeon, we've got 3 games until we qualify for Nationals."

He looks vehemently at Juyeon. "You're our star player, kid. We need you in top condition, you hear? No dangerous activities or any distractions until we know we can secure our spot."

Juyeon nods his head once, not replying, as he's still gasping for breath from his rigorous training. Coach claps him on the back, and Juyeon heads back to his team.

"The fuck was that about?"

He takes a second to swallow before responding. "Coach wants us to be in top shape for the upcoming games, not much," Juyeon squints at Hyunjae. "I'm not in trouble if that's what you're implying."

Hyunjae squacks an offended laugh. "I would never imply such a thing to my best friend! Our star player! Our squeaky clean record, boring, goody-two-shoes, centre!"

Juyeon smacks him on the back of the head with a small smile.

"Hey! I just gelled my hair, you punk."

The star player rolls his eyes, slightly amused. "Practice is over, we're going inside to shower anyway. You can re-gel your hair there."

Hyunjae lets out another laugh and follows Juyeon, heading back to their locker room. "You're so much fun to tease."

Juyeon huffs as they reach the school doors and step inside. "Whatever. Have you seen my shampoo? I couldn't find it this morning in my bag."

"I would never use your flower scented shit, bro. That's so gay."

Juyeon rolls his eyes once again and prepares a retort, but before he can open his mouth, a yell sounds through the showers.

"I borrowed it yesterday! I forgot to put it back!"

"Eric, what the hell?" Juyeon faces the stealer. (wink wink nudge nudge)

"I'm sorry," Eric proclaims, dragging out his vowels, gradually looking more amused by Juyeon's pretend-glare.

Juyeon smirks and slaps him playfully with the towel he just took from his personal locker. "You aren't sorry, you liar!"

Eric giggles at him.

"Hey, guys, hurry up. I have to meet someone after school and you all are standing in front of the showers," Another teammate approaches.

Juyeon takes to grabbing the rest of his supplies to take a shower; his clothing, conditioner, and body wash, while Hyunjae takes over the conversation. "Hak, you're going on a date?"

All the football boys 'ooooh' at him.

Juyeon ignores his friends in favour of stepping into the shower. He doesn't bother to adjust the temperature at all, having learned his freshman year that the dial didn't actually work.

He stands under the moderately cold water, not paying any attention to the conversation happening behind him, and instead just listening to the sound of water droplets hitting his skin, then to the floor.

It was calming.

He stands there peacefully for a little while longer, until the wet slapping sound of footsteps on a damp floor suddenly fills the stalls, and Juyeon can tell by the stomp-like walking that it is Hyunjae that enters the shower stall next to him. Hyunjae has flat feet and walks very loudly; it's like living through a mini earthquake everytime this man takes a step. Especially when it's being amplified by the echoes of the locker room.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2023 ⏰

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