When we first met

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Messiah: Mommy can you tell me the story of when you and daddy met pleassssse?

Fatima: Only if you go to sleep, ok?

Messiah: Yaaaaay! Thank you mommy!

We are gonna go back a little to when Zac and Fatima met. They were in high school and Fatima was the senior HBIC of Wilson High School because her parents found the school. She was the dance captain of the girls that danced at the football games. But she wasn't your typical popular girl at school. She was nice and cared about everybody that she crossed paths with. So that made almost everybody in school like her, well almost everyone. (we goin come back to that later....)

Zac was a senior and, the guy that all the boys in school wanted to be. He was handsome, charming, nice etc. He was also like Fatima nice  to everyone that he crossed paths with. He was the captain of the football team and loved every second of it.

Fatima was walking off of the bleaches after practice and wasn't paying attention so she bumped into a certain someone.
Fatima: *Walks off the bleachers and bumps into Zac* Oh my god I'm so sorry I wasn't paying attention

Zac: No its fine I was running

Fatima: Your Zac right the captain of the football team and the "star quarterback"

Zac: Uh yeah I am *smiles*

Fatima: Well I'm Fatima Wilson

Zac: I know who you are well to be honest everybody knows who you are your the principal's daughter

Fatima: Yeah I am *little laugh*

Zac: Well I have to get goin, gotta finish running these laps

Fatima: Ok see you around Zac

Little did they know Zac's girlfriend Maya was watching their whole interaction.

*The next day*

Fatima hadn't stop thinking about Zac. His smile, his body, his scent. Everything about him she loved. She never understood how she didn't notice him before.

Zac hadn't stop thinking about her either. She was beautiful. She was everything that he wanted in a women. She had it all.

But Maya on the other hand didn't like how Zac was looking at Fatima. She felt as if though she was trying to steal her man.

Zac and Fatima see each other in the hallway and started talking

Zac: Hey Fatima how have you been?

Fatima:I'm good how about you?

Zac: i've been good

Fatima: That's good (*Fatima looks to the side and see
Maya giving her a death stare*)

Zac:So I wante-(Zac gets cuts off by Fatima)

Fatima: Sorry for interrupting you but do you know the girl on the other side of the hallway looking at me like she wants to kill me?

Zac: (*Looks around and sees Maya*) Yeah actually that's my girlfriend

Fatima:(*Fatima's mood shifted a lot when she hear the word girlfriend*) Oh you have a girlfriend

Zac: Yeah we've been together since freshman year

Fatima: (*Gives a fake smile*) How cute

Zac: I'm gonna go see if she is ok i'll talk to you later

Fatima:(*Smiles*)Ok have a good day Zachary

Fatima was a little shocked when she found out that Zac had a girlfriend cause he seemed really cool. But she wasn't the type of chick to do spiteful things to another female so she made a mental note to leave it alone for now.

Zac:(*Kisses Maya*) Hey babe

Maya: (*dry*) Hey

Zac: What's wrong baby

Maya: Why were you talking to Fatima

Zac: Oh because yesterday I ran into her when she got done with her practice

Maya: I don't like her Zac, I feel like she is trying to take you away from me

Zac: Maya I promise she is just a friend nothing more, I literally just met her yesterday ok?

Maya:(*Smiles*) Ok. Are you gonna walk me to class

Zac:(*Puts his arm around her shoulders*) You already know I am

Maya made a mental note to keep and eye on Fatima. She thought that she was to friendly towards Zac and wanted to be with him.


Messiah: Mommy I don't like Maya

Fatima: Neither do I baby

When we first met (A Zatima Story) (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now