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Three years after, Louise's death, suitors came from many places, from all Britain, looking for her hand. Unfortunately, since she still had the undying habit of staring out to the sea, it was becoming quite difficult for her to notice anyone. With her wandering mind, George felt as though a trip to the sea would help her find some peace. Perhaps a venture out to sea would make her feel appeased, as he now understood what Louise was trying to tell him. While George was pondering such an idea, he heard the door of the Toles' residence being knocked on once again, which more than likely meant that another suitor had come courting.

As George headed down, Isabella met him wearing a green corset and her hair tied in wringlets as the two headed to the door to see who was visiting them.

"Isabella, I want you to promise me that if this does not end well that you will take it with as much grace as is possible. Can you promise me that." George said and asked.

"You need not doubt me father." Isabella said, confident as ever.

"Now, let us get this done, my doe." George said.

When the door opened, George and Isabella saw a man with brown hair, tan skin, and blue eyes.

"Good day. Welcome to the Toles' residence. Your name, young man."

"Orlando Billen, sir."

"Come. I shall have tea made while we talk."

Once everyone was seated, they were served tea imported from Japan.

"I actually brought this home myself." George said.

"As I am only a wool merchant, I have never traveled further than between Hampshire and Newcastle. What stories can you tell me of your travels, kind sir?" Orlando asked.

"I travel along the eastern sea lanes. My contract is with our merchants in Japan."

"How do you find them?"

"I find them intriguing. When you first land, it is almost like an unknown world."

Hearing the words "unknown world" caused Isabella's mind to sail off into the unknown. Even though Isabella recalled what her mother said, she still felt as though there was something out there to explore. While Orlando was indeed dashing, some part of her hoped that something would happen that would make it seem that England simply was not the country for her. While she loved Hampshire and England in its entirety wholeheartedly, she still hoped that, even if they married, Orlando would support her. However, she new that she would not know how Orlando would feel about it until (or if) they were wed.

Eventually, the talks at last came to a close, with the final decision yet to be divulged. George had a somewhat confident look in his eyes, as he always did every time there was a choice taken that was a great risk, with marriage being the greatest risk game in the world, for whatever the outcome may be, for better or worse, will affect the whole family in some way. Isabella only hoped that, once they sat down for dinner, the news would be good.

Eventually, the time came and father and daughter were having trout and lamb for dinner, as that was Louise's favourite.

"What did he say, father?"

"That he would ponder a marriage with you, as there are apparently quite a few others who wish for him to take their daughters hand in marriage. However, he did show hints that it may be you he chooses. Unfortunately, we cannot be assured he will pick you. I do not doubt you, my daughter, but it is not only the father of the daughter that has the last decision on the acceptance or refusal of the engagement, but the father of the son. While Orlando looks a good man, we cannot be sure he will choose you Isabella, as he may find another more suited to his liking, or his father will decide against us."

"But surely Orlando would speak up, father?" Isabella asked.

"Decisions such as this affect not only the potential wife and husband, but the families of the husband and wife as well. If Orlando's family decides that there are better options for him, then there is a high chance that they will have Orlando choose said other wife. I will not have you running around trying to ensure that it is you he chooses, but I still pray that the family does decide to choose you, daughter."

"Me too, father."

3 weeks later, Orlando returned with a grim look on his face; the look one has when they prepare to announce an unfortunate occurrence. Deciding to brace herself for whatever foreboding statement her father had to make.

"I am most aggrieved to tell you, daughter," George said, "that Orlando's family has demanded he give his hand to another. Fear though not, my daughter, for I am certain the right man may yet be found."

"Father," Isabella said, "Queen Elizabeth favored the seafarer Walter Raleigh, though he was not a noble."

"Yes. Why say you this? I hope not that I need be concerned." George said.

"Enticing as many men of England appear, I almost have this sense." Isabella replied.

"What sense be that?" George asked.

"That God has not granted me a husband because I am destined to marry a man from beyond the seas."

"What mean you by this?"

"Father, have you ever imagined searching abroad for the woman you seek?" Isabella asked.

"It is true, I was very near to believing the lady for me was not to be found in England, yet I remained adamant that I would find she that is meant for me."

"Father, would you call me a disappointment if I were to find that my husband-to-be is not of England?" Isabella asked nervously.

With a sigh, George smiled and said, "The only way such a choice would disappoint me is if I believed that the man you desired had good characters that I felt to be false. As long as the man you desire is a true and genuine man, not a monster disguised, whomever you marry will be welcomed as a son."

"I thank you, father." Isabella said, her graceful expression of a lady thinly hiding the girl-like giddiness she was fiercely attempting (and barely managing) to conceal.

With a kiss on the cheek exchanged between father and daughter, the two retired for the night.

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