Great Beasts Summoners Ships

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I know this is a copy past but I feel like it needs to be here but there have been some changes but has not changed also the only Rollan and Meilin ship you can suggest is Reilin (Meilin x Rollan) any other ships with those two characters I won't do unless it is something like Rollan x Stew.

So barely any great least summoners have been given a ship from what I have seen mainly due to them barely being there they could have easily been included like in book 8 dragon's eye I would have been down for Denish breaking in with Kaiina riding him and helping the 4 and defeating Song with them so some of these will be made up. Note these are my opinions if you have other opinions go ahead and believe in the ones you want we all have different tastes in ships also can we give an applause to Worthy for teasing Reilin.

-The important ones I agree with and will have made up-

Conor x Abeke

Rollan x Meilin

Dawson x Tasha

Kirit x Niri

Grif x Cordalles

Raisha x Jolt/Karmo

Kaiina x Stead/Alix- Stead's name is Alix it's on the spirit animals wiki

Takoda x Xanthe

Anda x Anuqi

-The ones I have seen and don't agree with for reasons-

Conor x Worthy/Devin- No because it took up to the Wildcat's Claw book 7 falls of the beast for Conor to forgive him so I don't see it happening but I can see this happening but only in an AU (Alternate Universe).

Rollan x Conor- this doesn't work the authors have established that Rollan loves Meilin.

Conor x Shane- I don't think I have to explain this Conor hates Shane and they barely have interacted and all have them haven't been nice.

Abeke x Shane- No I can't imagine this in a million years it is only stated that Shane likes Abeke and not Abeke likes Shane.

Meilin x Abeke- Same as the Rollan x Conor can't see it happening it is again the authors have established that Rollan and Meilin like each other.

Rollan x Stew- No I'm hundred percent sure it was done as a joke so no but I can imagine Meilin making him drunk and making poor Rollan marry stew and never letting him hear the end of it.

Rollan x Jolt/Karmo- No it just does not feel right also the authors have established that Rollan like Meilin and vice versa but it is an interesting ship.

Rollan x Dawson- Dawson is too mature for his age and Rollan is a clown also the same as the other Rollan ships he likes Meilin even the authors have made it clear so do not suggest any Rollan and Meilin ships that aren't Reilin I will not make it happen.

Dawson x Raisha- I saw some fanart and I don't know after the Rumfuss indecent, I think Dawson hates her.

Dawson x Kirat- nothing in particular just that they're too similar and that may cause some problems but I can see it happening I just don't agree.

Kirat x Tasha- again can see it happening but Kirat is too much of a snob but can see it happening if a certain few bird great beasts get involved.

Grif x Alix/Stead- No because they were both bonded to rams so imagine when Arax finds out about that it's bye bye Stead.

Niri x Cordalles- I think they probably have never spoken also Cordalles moves all around the world trading I doubt Niri enjoys leaving her home so no to this ship pun intended.

Done is there any that I missed also which ones do you agree or disagree with, I'm interested so put your opinions in the comments also I am aware I just sounded like a YouTuber.

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