This is the English side to this anyway lets make this short I will teach crappy German to you but its still good to know and a bit easy in my viewing.
Mein/my: What I have learned there are three different types, mein as in yours or if your referring to someone like "My wife" it would be spelled Meine with a "E" at the end.
Mein: my thing or dresser, ect..
Mein: Husband/Mann, Bruder/brother, Sohn/son, Vater/father. "This is my [Choose] - Das ist mein [Choose German]"
Meine: Wife/frau, Schwester/sister, Tochter/daughter, Mutter/Mother. " My Sister and my mother - Meine schwester und meine mutter."
Many different things for THE in german
Basics/knowledge or notes whatever lol
😅???: And/Und - Is/Ist - I/Ich - The/Der or Die - You/Du - Are/Bist - A/Ein -Where/Wo - Hello/Hallo - Or/Oder - Please/Bitte.
DRINK/FOOD: Coffee/Kaffee - Milk/Milch - Tea/Tee - Bread/Brot - Water/Wasser Soup/Suppe - Food/Essen - Drink/Trinken.
ANIMALS: Bear/Bär - Mouse/Maus - Dog/hund - Owl/Eule - Rat/Ratte Coyote/Kojote.
911 STUFF: Help/Hilfe - Ambulance/Krankenwagen - Hospital/Krankenhaus Doctor/Arzt - (oh god) Nurse/Krankenschwester - Blood/Blud.
LOVE/ROMANTIC: Beautiful/Schön - My Love/Mein Liebe - Treasure/Schatz Dear/Lieb - Wife/Frau - Marriage/Ehe.
[Btw translating wife from English to german is EheFrau but if you take away Ehe and just put Frau its the same]
ENJOY WHILE I LEARN MORE GERMAN btw I may translate a German song from Rammstein :)
Learn German :)
Diversoslook I used a combination of Duolingo and Google translate don't judge me. I am still new but I know a decent amount sorry if you can't read it well I tried making it easier heh THIS WILL BE WORKED ON A LOT MORE THAN MY NORMAL STORIES I THINK LOL. ...