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ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : lovegame by lady gaga
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let's play a love game, play a love game
do you want love, or you want fame?
are you in the game?

June 25th

"Welcome everybody to Hackett's Quarry Summer Camp, where what doesn't kill you will make you stronger!" Mr H waved his arm with enthusiasm. He gave a bright smile before coughing into his hand. "Why don't we start with introductions? How about you go first?" He pointed at me.

I straightened my posture and grinned at my fellow camp counselors. "I'm Emma Mountebank, An inspiring actress and influencer. You might know me from my video channel." I looked around, no one had a clue what I was talking about. I probably came off too conceited.

Mr H nodded then turned to the girl next to me. She was short, she must be only five feet tall. She tucked her black hair out of her face then spoke. "Kaitlyn Ka and that's it." She gave a tight smile before getting a punch in the shoulder by the boy next to her. She glared at him, giving him a shove back. "I know a lot about cars, I guess."

The boy chuckled, "Jacob Custos, captain of the football team." He adjusted his hat, looking over at me. I glanced away from him to look at the next person in line.

"My name's Nick Furcillo and I don't really have anything else to say." he laughed nervously.

The rest of the introductions went on with people stating their name and something about themselves. I only paid attention to half of them because I was too aware of the fact that Jacobs' eyes were glued on me the whole time. It's not like I'm not used to people staring at me, especially boys, but this time it was different. I don't think he ever looked away once.

There was one more person left. She had short maroon hair that faded into red and had big brown eyes. It was weird how captivating she was. Her style was more alternative which is something I've always found interesting. My friends from my school would have laughed if I told them that.

She spoke quietly, taking some breaths in between. "I'm Abigail Blyg, but I also go by Abi. I uh... like Art." She smiled, peering at everyone slightly.

Mr H started rambling about jobs then letting us explore the area before the kids arrived. Dylan and Kaitlyn went to ask more questions about the camp, Laura and Max wandered off to the cabins while Abi stood in place. I put on my best smile, stepping forward to approach the girl and left a pull on my arm.

"So you make videos or something?" Jacob moved in front of me, releasing his hand.

"Yeah," I tried to pass by him, peeking over at Abi. he got in my way again, his whole body blocking my view.

"What types? Like makeup tutorials or vlogs?" He says. I leaned over again but this time Abi was walking away with Nick by her side. I sigh and give the boy in front of me my full attention.

"I just do a bit of everything." I roll on the balls on my feet, swaying my arms. "Mostly hauls or whatever is trending, are you interested?"

"Not everyday you meet a real celebrity."

I giggled, putting on a genuine smile. "I wouldn't call myself a celebrity, just a girl on the internet trying to make something of herself."

"You're more famous than I could ever be." Jacob rubbed the back of his head, turning his hat slightly. I can tell that he messes with it every time he gets nervous.

"I doubt it." I reached out my hand to his arm, "nice muscles, a cute face, you'll have girls swooning over you left and right."

"Oh you think I'm attractive?" He crossed his arms, looking proud.

"I never said that." I scoffed playfully. Sure, he's good looking but not my type.

"But you implied it." he smirks, stepping closer.

I feel myself getting annoyed, I can't just say a guy is cute without them thinking I'm attracted to them. I press my lips together and spin around.

"I'll see you around, Jacob."

"Where are you going?" he yells after me as I continue down a path.

"Don't worry about it, pretty boy." I yell without looking back. If i wasn't such a people pleaser I would've told him that it's none of his business or maybe left out the pretty part. Curse my need to give people what they want.


I place my bad on the bed closeted to the wall of my assigned cabin. It's actually not as bad as I thought. It's pretty clean with enough room to stretch my arms. There are about three bunk beds on each side with chests underneath for clothes.

I open my suitcase pulling out the outfits I packed. It's nothing too much, mostly shorts and shirts and a couple fancy items. Only just in case, at this point you never know what might happen.

Once all my things are put away, I pull out my phone and scroll through my gallery since there isn't any connection. There's pictures of myself and siblings, I didn't realize how much I miss them already.

My little sister and brother practically begged me to stay. It was hard to see their faces with tears strolling down but I had to get away from my home town for a while.

I tense up and try to stop myself from crying before someone interrupts me. "Mr Hackett is taking away all electronics, you should probably hide that."

I look up and see Abi. She's holding her bag in front of her while standing in the doorway, not sure if she can enter.

"Oh hey! You must be my bunkmate!" I tuck my phone into my back pocket.

"I'm Abigail." she puts out her hand for a handshake, her palms are shaking.

I take her hand and laugh softly, "I know who you are." It was meant to come off comforting but instead it came out narcissistic.

"Oh right," she walked over to her bed, placing her bag down. "Sorry."

"You don't have to apologize." I gave her a smile as she unpacked.

"Ok, Sorr.." She cuts herself off.

"It's alright." I plopped myself down onto the bed, kicking my legs. I've never felt this nervous talking to someone new before. My heart is racing and my face wont stop smiling. "So..." I drug out the O as I spoke, "you're interested in art?"

Abi didn't look up from her clothes as she placed them into a chest. "Yeah, I guess so." Her voice was quiet.

"What do you draw? Like landscapes, portraits or maybe cartoons?"

"A lot of things." she replies dully, not very interested in having a conversation.

"Can I see?"

This makes her head rise and finally make eye contact with me. She looks happy that finally someone asked her but also kinda terrified. "Maybe." She smiles. It's probably one of the most beautiful smiles I've ever seen even if it only lasts a second.

"I'll look forward to it!" I grin, looking at the ground. She continues unpacking as I bounce up from the bed. "I'm gonna go explore elsewhere, I'll see you around Abi." I give her a wink as I exit, practically running away in embarrassment.

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