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ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : in love with your lies by siobhan
0:00 ───|──────3:29
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today I watched another walk away
all the things I wanted him to say
maybe I got issues, sue me
I only know love from the movies

June 30th

The fire in front of me is burning, crackling softly as Ryan whispers a ghost story. All the kids are listening, their eyes almost popping out of their head from how closely they're watching.

I'm sipping on a juice box and gazing at the moon, it's full and bright over the dark lake. It's the most peaceful it's been in weeks. The campers are a lot more annoying than I anticipated.

"And she'll try to turn you into her son... or something way worse..." Ryan leans in and there's silence until someone cries. A little boy runs off weeping into the forest.

"Oh no," Nick stands up from the log he was sitting on, chasing after the boy. "Louis, wait! It was just a stupid story!" I put my hand up to my mouth, muffling a giggle.

The rest of the kids start laughing as well, whispering to their friends. The girl next to me clings on my arm. I rub her back until she releases her grip, maybe not all of them are annoying.

"I think that's a sign for everyone to go to bed." Kaitlyn says. They all groan but follow her back to the cabins anyway. She's probably the only counselor they all listen to. Everyone else is usually not taken seriously.

I gather up all my campers which consists of all girls, mostly around thirteen. They all are preppy with long blond hair, could almost be related. They remind me of myself when I was younger.

"Emma!" Dylan walks over to me and hands out a piece of paper. "I was supposed to give this to you." it's folded into a small square with a badly drawn heart on the front.

"I have a secret admirer already? Fun!" I say. Truthfully, I've never had a secret admirer, just some boys trying to get in my pants.

"More than you know." he flips his fingers off his forehead and leaves to meet back up with his kids.

When he's gone, I open up the note.

Dear Emma, meet me by the dock at exactly 11pm ;)

They drew a wink, an actual wink. I laugh to myself and glance up, looking around for the author. I spot Abigail looking back at me. She has her notebook open, with a pencil in hand. She quickly looks away, putting her things in her bag. My stomach feels tight and the corners of my mouth curse upwards. For some reason I feel myself wondering, could it be Abi?

I wake up to my alarm, it's loud for me to hear but not enough so the kid in the bunk above can. I rub my eyes and glance at the time. 10:50. I've got ten minutes.

I look over at Abi's bed but it's empty, her sheets are messy, and her shoes are gone. She would never try to break the lights out rule so her leaving must be very important. Am I that important to her?

I don't know why my heart won't stop racing when I think about her. She's just a good friend, a very pretty friend. Maybe not even a friend at all, we've only spoken a couple times and she never seems interested during those conversations. I'm not sure if that means she is nervous around me or that she doesn't like me.

I push my thoughts away and put my hair back into a ponytail. Wrapping a green scrunchy around and pulling it tight, letting a few pieces come undone. I throw a coat on and make my way to the dock.

I use my phone for a flashlight, slowly walking. Once I reach the location, I take a look at the view. The moon was relaxing over the river and the stars were sparkling. The pool house is barely holding itself together, the wood is decaying from mold and the paint is chipping.

I sit on the edge of the dock, kicking my feet into the water. I hum to myself a song I can't recognize, just random tunes put together. After a while I hear a noise behind me, like footsteps. I quickly look back and there is the secret admirer.

"Oh hey, Jacob." I try to sound amused, but I can't help the distaste in my voice.

He leans on a pole, looking at the ground. "Are you surprised?" He kicks a stick, and it falls into the lake.
"That it was you?" I turn around so my back isn't facing him. He's wearing the same clothes he wore earlier today. A white tank top with gray sweatpants, cuffed at the bottom so it's showing his ankles. It looks stupid but everyone has their own fashion taste. When he doesn't respond, I assume that I'm correct, "I don't know, I guess I'm more relieved."

He finally looks up, he's anxious. "Why's that?"

"Just glad that it's not a guy trying to confess his feelings for me." I pause. "Why didn't you just give me the note yourself or.. talk to me?"

He stares at me, and I understand immediately. It is just like I thought.


"You don't have to accept my confession, I'm used to it at this point - I mean who would like a guy like me." he moves towards, sitting on the dock next to me.

I bit my lip and patted his shoulder sympathetically. "It's not that I don't appreciate it, I just... dont think I'm looking for a relationship right now."

His eyebrows press together, and he grits his teeth. "Then why were you flirting with me a couple days ago?" He digs his nails into his pants. I pull my arm away slowly, noticing his change in mood.

I scoffed, "Jacob, I wasn't flirting. I was being nice."

He looks away from my direction, putting his hand up to wipe some tears. "Yeah, yeah. of course." he sounds sarcastic.

I take a deep breath, standing up. "I'll uh... See you later."


I don't want to go back to my cabin, the kids are just sleeping, they'll be fine. The lodge is dark at this time at night, so quiet compared to how it is during the day.

I enter the bathroom and lock the door behind me, just in case someone else is awake. I curl into a ball in the corner, not taking the time to think about how many germs cover it. The tears build up without warning and start pouring.

I was so dumb to think that Jacob was any different and that Abi might've- I stop myself. She was gone when I woke up, where would she be? Is she in trouble?

I quickly leave the lodge and search anywhere she might be. The radio shack, empty. The store, also empty. As I'm about to give up I see a light on in the art cabin, of course why didn't I think of that.

I peek in the window and catch a glimpse of Abigail sitting on a stool, her eyes searching the notebook in front of her. Her brows are pushed together, and her foot is tapping against the wooden floor. She looks up, studying the subject that was in front of her.

I move over to see what it was, and I see Nick. he's doing a ridiculous pose, grinning from ear to ear. I notice Abi's cheeks are bright red and she can only glance at him for a few seconds. The realization hits like a train. They like each other, I should've known.

I suddenly feel sick. My feet start running towards somewhere I don't know. It feels like I'm not in control. The wind blows my hair back, it feels cool on my face.

I don't see where I am until I see Jacob standing at the dock. He's looking at me confused with tears still stained under his eyes. I let myself catch my breath until speaking.



Then I kissed him. Putting my hands on the side of his face while he wraps his arms around my waist. Pulling me closer with each second. I don't feel anything.


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