Cassiopeia Lestrange-Evans

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Made By: ZoeBailey2

Parents: Bellatrix Lestrange; Lily Evans

Gender: Female

Favorite Class: Astronomy

House: Ravenclaw

Teacher Who Favors You Over Everyone Else: Lupin

Pet: Owl

Trio: Neville Longbottom, Luna Lovegood

Bestie: Neville Longbottom

Person You Study With: Neville & Luna; → then Pansy Parkinson

Person Who's Jealous of You: Draco

First Kiss: Blaise

Who Saves You in the Battle of Hogwarts: Blaise

Who You Marry 19 years Later: Pansy

Story Status: ZoeBailey2 will write a story

Extra: Goes by either Cassie, Cassia, or Cass. There's a potion for couples of the same sex to use if they wanted a baby. Before James and Lily's deaths, Sirius thought it'd be funny to make a child using the potion with Bella and Lily's DNA (He used their hair). James and Lily took care of Cassia until they died. Cassia had a habit of hiding in hard places when she was younger. When Voldemort came to kill them, she was fast asleep in a cabinet. So later Death Eaters looked around for Cass and Narcissa found her crying and decided to raise her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2023 ⏰

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