Chapter 6- Percy

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Percy could not believe it. An owl. Sure, he had seen many of them before, but today, Percy had a strange feeling. And his mom was related to it. Percy looked at her. She was watching him, looking very calmly.

She came forward, and said, "Percy, it's time for you to know."

She said the line in a very movie-esque fashion, the way the mothers decide that it's time for a plot twist in the script because it just was.

"Know what?" Percy asked, confused.

"The truth. About Hogwarts."


Hogwarts. The name sounded eerie and strange yet quite familiar. Percy felt a strange connection to the word. If he had been confused before, he was now probably going crazy.

"Kitchen. Now." his mom said.

Percy went to the kitchen and say down on the table. His mother followed. Suddenly, she turned uncomfortable. They sat quiet for a minute, and then she spoke:

"I don't know where to start, Percy, but when you were twelve, you didn't get the whole explanation of your life. Only half of it. Your father's side of the story. It's time I told you my side."

Percy looked as if he were about to faint. His eyes were wide, his jaw hanging out, and he had a constipated look on his face. He'd had that look once-in front on Annabeth, but she'd just laughed and said that he was the only guy who pulled it off.

In the kitchen, his mom continued,"Long time back, probably a year before you were born, there was a guy. Called Voldemort. He was a wizard."

"You mean like a magician?" Percy asked, still gormless. Maybe it was an early Halloween trick.

His mom sighed. "No Percy. He was an actual wizard. He had a wand, and he could do magic. Anyway, he was evil. He turned against the Ministry of Magic, yes there is one, before you ask, and he killed endless number of number of people. Soon..."

His mom went on for an hour going on about 'Voldemort's' story'. It involved a guy named Harry Potter, an orphan. After the story, she explained the life of wizards. Godric's Hollow, Gringots and of course, Hogwarts, the school, which seemed too good to be true.

In the end, Percy whistled. "Cool story. Quick question: Why do I need to know this?"

His mom looked at him as if it were obvious, "Because you are one of them. One of us."

His day was getting weirder...

"Wait. What? You're a wizard?"

"Witch." His mom corrected him."Pureblood."

"So all of those pictures I saw earlier were not Photoshop?"

"No." His mom looked disappointed that the only shock he'd expressed so far was about some photos.

"Those were Hogwarts' pictures?" He confirmed.

"Yes." She frowned, "Why are you so calm? No 'there must be a mistake!' or 'how is that even possible, mom?' ? You're not freaking out."

"Oh I'm freaking out," Percy said. If there could be demigods, why couldn't there be wizards? Sure, let's add in the Hunger Games cast too. "Who was the guy in the picture then?"

His mother smiled, almost in an evil way.

"That's for you to figure out."

Percy gaped at her. She pretended not to notice and continued.

Percy Jackson-A Wizard ( Percy Jackson Harry Potter fanfic) #wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now