Chapter 1

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I stand in the corner with scissors. Cutting my brown hair that's too long. I like it past my shoulders, but my dad will use it to swing me across the room. The mirror is old and rusted as well as cracked. I look in my empty blue eyes. There was life there once. I'm sure of it. Now I just look exhausted. My skin is pale and I have bruises that are slowly beginning to fade. As well as a cut above my right eyebrow that's finally started to heal. Once I'm done with chopping off my hair. I put on a long sleeve shirt to cover some of the bruises. My black eye, and the cut above my eyebrow is still visible. If anyone asks I'll just say I fell. That normally works. All but for my one, and only friend Sam. He's the only one who accepts me for who I am. I swing the bag over my shoulder, and wench at the pain. It was dislocated last night. I was able to pop it back into place, but it still hurts. I walk up the stone steps of the basement. Doing everything I can to keep my feet from echoing against them. I keep my head down. Dad is sitting in a chair drinking beer, and watching the news like always. He throws an empty bottle at me "look at what you did! I want you to clean it up NOW!" He yells, I don't say a word. I go to the kitchen and grab the broom and dust pan. I sweep up the mess. "I want you to come straight home from school, and don't talk to that Sammy boy again!" He shouts, he's still mad about Sam and his mother trying to help me. The police made me come back. Wouldn't believe a word I said, and yet believed a delusional drunk. "You hear me boy!" He yells,

"Yes," I mutter,

"I didn't hear you!"

"Yes." I say slightly louder. He jumps up from his chair and shoves me into a wall.

"I said, DID YOU HEAR ME!" He screams in my face. His breath smelling of beer. My heart isn't beating out of my chest like you may think. The rhythm is the same. Why would it change when this is just part of my routine?

"Yes, I heard you. You might want to let go before you catch the gay." He drops me to the ground. I quickly pull myself to my feet and hurry out the door. Not trying to hide the noise my foot steps leave behind. He thinks being gay is a disease. It's not. It just how I am. Its how I've always been. I catch up to Sam, halfway to school.

"Rough morning?" Sam asks, as I approach him. His usual blonde hair a mess.

"Yeah," I look down at the ground.

He pats my shoulder. Causing me to stiffen.  "I'm sure you'll figure it out."

"No, Sam, I won't." He shakes his head. Once at school we head to class. We have first together. I sit in front of him. A new kid walks in, and sits next to sam. He has blonde hair and blue eyes. Kind of cute as well.

"Cool magazineze." The new guy says,

"You want to see it?" He asks, handing it to him. He takes it. "Make sure you give it back. I'm Sam Goode."

"John smith." He then drops the magazine. I reach down and pick it up. When I bend down in my chair i feel a sharp pain shoot through me. I ignore it. My shirt slips slightly. "Who did that to you?" He asks,

"His father." Sam answers, I glare at him.

"You can't help me." I say, John then runs out the room. Well there he goes. He was cute too. Probably straight. Nice going Sam, I'm going to kill him in his sleep. Wait, no I'm not. He's my only friend. He's like a brother to me. I can't lose him. When I get him my dad hits me. For no reason other then being drunk. Then he hits me again and again. Until I can barely stand. Then I fall to the floor. He starts kicking me in the stomach. I can hardly breath. He walks off then comes back with a scolding hot iron. He pulls up my shirt and touches it to my skin. I scream. I scream as loud as I can. I know nobody can hear me, but I scream anyway. I scream from the pain, from the anger, from the frustration. Until my throat burns. Then he hits me some more. I feel the tears spill out of my eyes. I can't stay conscious much longer. He then takes a knife and goes to cut my face. That's when I lose consciousness. I open my eyes to bright lights. Everything blurry. I don't know where I am.

"Wh-where am I?" I try to ask, no sound comes out

"You have a broken jaw that will take three weeks to heal" I hear a voice say, he hands me a pad and pin. So I guess I'm in the clinic.

'Who are you?' I ask,

"My name is Henri. My son, John told me about the bruises. You almost died kid."

'I'm going in foster care, aren't I?'

"No, I'm taking you in."

'Everything's blurry. I don't know how I'm still writing.'

"That's because he cut your left eye. According to the doctor your right eye is trying to do exstra work. He said it will get back to normal in a few days. Oh and your hand writing is very messy." I figured that much.

'What did he do?' I ask, he sighs.

"According to him he tried to beat the gay out of you. He pressed an iron to your stomach. He said it will take three to seven days to heal. You have four broken ribs. That will take six weeks to heal. The stiches will desolve in six months. Somehow you don't have any brain damage."

'How do you remember all that?'

"I'm reading it off a sticky note."

' I'm on pain medication aren't I?'


'Get them to take me off of it.'


'Because my mom was a drug addicted, and I'm pretty sure dad killed her when she was high. I don't want to end up like her. I'll be ok. When can I get out of here?'

"In a couple of days. I'll have John pick up your work." So he's the new kids father? Seems like a good guy.

'Can you tell sam I'm alright?'

"Yeah, they're about to kick me out. Visting hours end and 9:00 and it's 8:55 now."

'Alright, I'll get some sleep I guess.' He leaves. I'm not sure if I close my eyes, or if they're already closed. I just know I fall asleep quickly, and for once no nightmares. I wake up to a doctor shaking me.

"How are you feeling?" He asks,

'Like I got hit by a truck.'

"Henri, said you don't want pain meds, so we're slowly lowing the dosage so it won't hit you all at once."

'Ok, what time is it?'

"5:00 in the morning." I groan. He does his checks then leaves. I go back to sleep. I wake up to someone sitting back in a chair.

I grab my pad and jot down. 'Who's there?' I show it to the person best I can.

"It's me. Henri, didn't mean to wake you."

'It's fine'

"Sam and John will be here in a little bit." I nod, or at least try to. The doctor comes in, and changes my bandages. Then checks my jaw. Nothing new.

"I'm sure he's fine." I hear someone say, probably John.

"You don't know his father. He threatened to kill me once." I laugh at that, then have to stop do to my ribs. Laughing is painful.

'Don't make me laugh. It hurts' I write down, showing it to them.

"You're alive!" Sam yells excitedly. He hugs me and I wench from the pain. "Sorry." I weakly pat him on the back.

"Alright kid, you're almost off the medicine. How do you feel?" The doctor says, walking in. I give him a thumbs up. It hurts to move, and to breath. He then removes the wiring keeping the needle in my arm. Well at least that's what they normally do. I can't see. I keep forgetting that. I hear both of them sit down.

"Mark, didn't try anything." Sam, says, I give him a thumbs up. "You look like hell."

'Thank you.' I write.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2023 ⏰

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