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"y/n can you take a private dance in room number.. 10" my boss said to making me nod, i already knew who it was . my most valuable customer, our dances were never really your typical dances, i fucked him and he paid me.

"you're early today, aren't you?" i heard a deep voice when i walked into the room, nanami kento the most POWERFUL mafia boss in the world, "well i wasnt doin' too much when i was told to come dance" he hummed in response "well y/n, i wanna talk to you about something", i stared at him in suspicion "watchu wanna tell me ? that we can't fuck no more?"

he chuckled at me taking a sip of his drink "no not at all, i want you to be my wife", "WHAT?", i was so confused rn, what did this nigga mesn "be my wife?" we weren't even together for me to be his wife? "well not like my actual wite just a pretend wife until i can get my ex wife off my back, i'll still pay you sex or no sex, i'll let you work and all of that you're just the only person i can trust with this position angel"

i laughed nervously not knowing how to process this "so lemme get this straight.. you want me to be your wife so your ex wife who clearly still wants to be with you can get a hint that you don't feel that way anymore", "pretty much, yeah", "why can't you just tell her that nanami?"

"it's not that easy with alisa", "i'd love to take yo' offer don't get me wrong but i strip for a living im not fit to be your wife", nanami laughed in my face "and y/n i kill people for a living, im sure you're gonna be an amazing wife", "fine, i'll call you tomorrow and get the rest of the details boy"

"aht aht, before you leave don't forget your pay", "but we didn't fuck" he smiled at me "alright, come here take your panties off"
"want me to take you home?" nanami asked fixing his belt, after those three long rounds it was time for me to leave "nah i'm good", "come on y/n, put on my blazer and i'll take you home"

stripper love/: k. nanamiWhere stories live. Discover now